[devel] Re: u: apache-1.3.28rusPL30.18-alt2
Alexey Tourbin
Вт Сен 9 21:45:23 MSD 2003
On Tue, Sep 09, 2003 at 08:55:22PM +0400, Sergey Vlasov wrote:
> Поиск по архиву apache-talk с середины 2001 г. дал только следующее
> (это, правда, несколько другая проблема):
Why am I getting segmentation faults (or silently failing on startup)?
There are a few known mod_perl issues that cause segmentation faults or a
silent failure on the part of Apache to start itself up. Though not
specific to HTML::Mason, they are worth keeping in mind:
* Are you using a dynamically-linked mod_perl? Unfortunately, DSO
mod_perl builds seem to be reliably unstable, especially under heavy
traffic. Rebuild Apache with mod_perl linked statically.
* Earlier versions of XML::Parser and Apache could conflict, because both
would statically compile in expat for XML parsing. This was fixed as of
Apache version 1.3.20 and XML::Parser 2.30, both of which can be
compiled against the same shared libexpat. You can also build Apache
with '--disable-rule=EXPAT'.
Matthew Kennedy pointed out that:
> If "strings `which httpd` | grep -i xml"
> returns anything, you have this problem.
* Are you using Perl 5.6.0? Though not widespread, Perl 5.6.0 can
generate sporadic segmentation faults at runtime for some Perl code.
Specifically, evals of moderate complexity appear problematic. And,
since Mason uses lots of evals of moderate complexity, you can't avoid
them. If the two suggestions above don't solve your segfault problem
and you are running Perl 5.6.0, try upgrading to Perl 5.6.1.
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