[Comm-en] Windowmaker

Michael Shigorin mike at osdn.org.ua
Thu Jul 10 12:57:42 MSD 2003

On Wed, Jul 09, 2003 at 07:00:03PM -0600, djbouley wrote:
> Lately I noticed that Junior 2.2 includes the window manager,
> Window Maker v0.81.0, with the distribution.

Wow.  I see only WindowMaker-0.80.2-alt7.i586.rpm there!

> After visiting the Window Maker web site, I saw that the only
> version of WM avaiable for downloading was v0.80.1

Well so the site lags:

Regarding unstable branch (Sisyphus), our WM maintainer
participates in WM development so he can judge when pulling from
CVS is OK and prescripted :-)

> Can anyone tell me if this version of WM is a special version
> that only comes with Junior 2.2?  Did the ALT development team
> make advancements with WM that are not available with other
> distros?

Yes -- at least it's quite a tasty build (with say single-click
option and hotkeys which can be bound to icons, and interesting
though somewhat beta virtual "background space" support -- can't
describe exactly, but looks like you have static clip/dock/menus
and if some windows are partially off-screen, you can "slide"
over them and the whole set of windows on this exact virtual
desktop will shift).

> If so, I'm an exclusive Window Maker user and really appreciate
> having the more advanced version on my Linux PC.

So then you've got it :-)

GNUstep and WM fans make a considerable amount of team members:

 ---- WBR, Michael Shigorin <mike at altlinux.ru>
  ------ Linux.Kiev http://www.linux.kiev.ua/

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