[room] [Comm] идея ALTLinux

Dmitriy L. Kruglikov =?iso-8859-1?q?Dmitriy=2EKruglikov_=CE=C1_orionagro=2Ecom=2Eua?=
Чт Май 31 13:54:44 MSD 2007

На календаре было: Четверг, 31 Май 2007 года,
Alexander Kolotov писал(а) в сообщении: 

AK == Alexander Kolotov

AK> мантейнера/специалиста по поддержке

Не путайте теплое с мягким ...
Это две большие разницы ...

Best regards,
 Dmitriy L. Kruglikov                     .--.
 Dmitriy.Kruglikov_at_gmail_dot_com      |@_@ |
 DKR6-RIPE                               |!_/ |
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Actually, the probability is 100% that the elevator will be going in the
right direction.  Proof by induction:

N=1.	Trivially true, since both you and the elevator only have one
	floor to go to.

Assume true for N, prove for N+1:
	If you are on any of the first N floors, then it is true by the
	induction hypothesis.  If you are on the N+1st floor, then both you
	and the elevator have only one choice, namely down.  Therefore,
	it is true for all N+1 floors.

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