[sisyphus] cron info

Victor Forsyuk victor на ksi-linux.com
Чт Июн 3 14:54:51 MSD 2004

On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 11:22:40AM +0300, Andriy Dobrovol's'kii wrote:
> Hi,
> О чём это крон меня предупреждает?
> Invalid system activity file: /var/log/sa/sa02

/usr/share/doc/sysstat-5.0.3/FAQ :

The format of the daily data files created by the sar command you are
now using is not compatible with the format of the files created by a
previous version of sar.
The solution is easy: just log in as root and remove by hand all the files
located in the /var/log/sa directory:
# rm /var/log/sa/sa??

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