[Music] linuxsampler

Lacklustre Mirror lacklustre at mail.ru
Wed Oct 15 15:59:45 MSD 2003

Привет, Alexandre,

Wednesday, October 15, 2003, 3:29:06 PM, Вы, кажется, написали:

AP> Привет,

AP> Новости от проекта Linuxsampler

AP> We of the linuxsampler team made significant progress in .GIG playback
AP> thanks to the wonderful work done by Christian S.
AP> He actually wrote libgig which is able to parse and load .GIG file
AP> supporting all the articulation stuff (layering, key/velocity switching,
AP>  dimensions etc).

AP>  see our new webpage (thanks Marek ;-) )
AP>  http://www.linuxsampler.org

AP>  (the new code is not online yet, because Christian and I are fixing bugs
AP>  and optimizing the streaming).

AP>  I cannot make forecasts when full GIG playback will be done, but shortly
AP>   (1-2 weeks) we will release a version that can play back the samples
AP>   (without effects, and envelopes for now).

AP>   This means we will soon be able to play the MIS piano directly streamed
AP>   from disk using LinuxSampler.

AP>   So the advice to Atti and others is:
AP>   One of you should use a Windows app which allows you to create .GIG
AP>   files (with GigaStudio being the natural choice), download the MIS
AP>   samples, tune volume, velocity-splits, trim samples (some samples have a
AP>   bit of silence at the beginning etc) and make a .GIG file out of it.

AP>   After the piano sounds good in GigaStudio you should post it online.
AP>   That way as soon as LinuxSampler is ready (the piano sample does not
AP>   require filters, envelopes etc) we can release a truly free
AP>   Grandpiano in software (samples + player).

Вспоминается поговорка "дуракам полработы не показывают" :-)

Best regards,
 b., Lacklustre Mirror (mailto:lacklustre at mail.ru | http://lacklustre.ath.cx)

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