[Music] linuxsampler

Alexandre Prokoudine avp at altlinux.ru
Wed Oct 15 15:29:06 MSD 2003


Новости от проекта Linuxsampler

We of the linuxsampler team made significant progress in .GIG playback
thanks to the wonderful work done by Christian S.
He actually wrote libgig which is able to parse and load .GIG file
supporting all the articulation stuff (layering, key/velocity switching,
 dimensions etc).

 see our new webpage (thanks Marek ;-) )

 (the new code is not online yet, because Christian and I are fixing bugs
 and optimizing the streaming).

 I cannot make forecasts when full GIG playback will be done, but shortly
  (1-2 weeks) we will release a version that can play back the samples
  (without effects, and envelopes for now).

  This means we will soon be able to play the MIS piano directly streamed
  from disk using LinuxSampler.

  So the advice to Atti and others is:
  One of you should use a Windows app which allows you to create .GIG
  files (with GigaStudio being the natural choice), download the MIS
  samples, tune volume, velocity-splits, trim samples (some samples have a
  bit of silence at the beginning etc) and make a .GIG file out of it.

  After the piano sounds good in GigaStudio you should post it online.
  That way as soon as LinuxSampler is ready (the piano sample does not
  require filters, envelopes etc) we can release a truly free
  Grandpiano in software (samples + player).

Alexandre Prokoudine		| "When you set yourself on fire and aim 
ALT Linux Documentation Team	|  for the sky, you hope to leave behind 
E-mail: avp at altlinux.ru		|  some sparks of heat and light"
JabberID: avp at altlinux.org	|                             Neil Peart
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