[Hardware] Количество и номера разделов HDD
Andrey Rahmatullin
wrar на altlinux.ru
Пт Ноя 26 19:35:01 MSK 2004
On Fri, Nov 26, 2004 at 01:44:59PM +0200, Alexander Kuprin wrote:
> представили). Либо попробуйте использовать (если нужна исключительно
> консоль) parted.
Да, самому противно, но вдруг заработает?
> Имеет смысл попробовать cfdisk или sfdisk. Последний, правда, подойдёт
> больше для кул-хацкеров, способных проводить в мозгу предварительный
> расчёт геометрии диска. :^)
There are several *fdisk programs around. Each has its problems and
strengths. Try them in the order cfdisk, fdisk, sfdisk. (Indeed,
cfdisk is a beautiful program that has strict requirements on the par-
tition tables it accepts, and produces high quality partition tables.
Use it if you can. fdisk is a buggy program that does fuzzy things -
usually it happens to produce reasonable results. Its single advantage
is that it has some support for BSD disk labels and other non-DOS par-
tition tables. Avoid it if you can. sfdisk is for hackers only - the
user interface is terrible, but it is more correct than fdisk and more
powerful than both fdisk and cfdisk. Moreover, it can be used nonin-
WBR, wRAR (ALT Linux Team)
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