[devel] Fwd: [#191976] FAILED (try 3) python-module-coverage.git=4.4.1-alt1 ...
Aleksei Nikiforov
darktemplar на basealt.ru
Вт Окт 24 14:52:36 MSK 2017
Кто-нибудь знает что со сборочницей? Мне приходят fail-ы сборки с
неразборчивыми сообщениями об ошибках.
С уважением,
Алексей Никифоров
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Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2017 10:56:13 +0000
From: Girar Builder awaiter robot <girar-builder на altlinux.org>
To: Aleksei Nikiforov <darktemplar на altlinux.org>
Cc: sisyphus-incominger на lists.altlinux.org
Subject: [#191976] FAILED (try 3) python-module-coverage.git=4.4.1-alt1 ...
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X-girar-task-id: 191976
X-girar-task-owner: darktemplar
X-girar-task-repo: sisyphus
X-girar-task-try: 3
X-girar-task-iter: 1
X-girar-task-status: FAILED
X-girar-task-URL: http://git.altlinux.org/tasks/191976/
X-girar-task-log: logs/events.3.1.log
X-girar-task-summary: [#191976] FAILED (try 3)
User-Agent: Mutt/1.6 (2015-08-30)
2017-Oct-24 10:48:12 :: task #191976 for sisyphus resumed by darktemplar:
#100 build 4.4.1-alt1 from
#200 build 2.9.1-alt2 from
2017-Oct-24 10:48:34 :: created build repo
2017-Oct-24 10:48:35 :: [i586] #100 python-module-coverage.git
4.4.1-alt1: build start
2017-Oct-24 10:48:35 :: [x86_64] #100 python-module-coverage.git
4.4.1-alt1: build start
2017-Oct-24 10:49:11 :: [i586] python-module-coverage.git 4.4.1-alt1:
remote: no need to rebuild
2017-Oct-24 10:49:11 :: [i586] #100 python-module-coverage.git
4.4.1-alt1: build OK
2017-Oct-24 10:49:11 :: [i586] #200 python-module-z4r-coveralls.git
2.9.1-alt2: build start
2017-Oct-24 10:49:13 :: [x86_64] python-module-coverage.git 4.4.1-alt1:
remote: no need to rebuild
2017-Oct-24 10:49:13 :: [x86_64] #100 python-module-coverage.git
4.4.1-alt1: build OK
2017-Oct-24 10:49:13 :: [x86_64] #200 python-module-z4r-coveralls.git
2.9.1-alt2: build start
2017-Oct-24 10:49:33 :: [i586] python-module-z4r-coveralls.git
2.9.1-alt2: remote: no need to rebuild
2017-Oct-24 10:49:34 :: [i586] #200 python-module-z4r-coveralls.git
2.9.1-alt2: build OK
2017-Oct-24 10:49:35 :: [x86_64] python-module-z4r-coveralls.git
2.9.1-alt2: remote: no need to rebuild
2017-Oct-24 10:49:35 :: [x86_64] #200 python-module-z4r-coveralls.git
2.9.1-alt2: build OK
2017-Oct-24 10:49:50 :: build check OK
2017-Oct-24 10:49:51 :: noarch check OK
2017-Oct-24 10:49:52 :: plan: src +2 -2 =17951, i586 +5 -5 =33700,
noarch +5 -5 =18201, x86_64 +5 -5 =33692
2017-Oct-24 10:49:52 :: version check OK
2017-Oct-24 10:51:26 :: generated apt indices
2017-Oct-24 10:51:26 :: created next repo
2017-Oct-24 10:51:52 :: dependencies check OK
2017-Oct-24 10:53:00 :: ELF symbols check OK
2017-Oct-24 10:53:18 :: [i586] #100 python-module-coverage: no need to
repeat, install check SKIPPED
2017-Oct-24 10:53:18 :: [x86_64] #100 python-module-coverage: no need to
repeat, install check SKIPPED
2017-Oct-24 10:53:32 :: [i586] #100 python-module-coverage-debuginfo: no
need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
2017-Oct-24 10:53:33 :: [x86_64] #100 python-module-coverage-debuginfo:
no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
2017-Oct-24 10:53:47 :: [i586] #100 python-module-coverage-doc: no need
to repeat, install check SKIPPED
2017-Oct-24 10:53:47 :: [x86_64] #100 python-module-coverage-doc: no
need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
i586: python-module-coverage-pickles=4.4.1-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Oct-24 10:54:02 :: [i586] #100 python-module-coverage-pickles: no
need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
x86_64: python-module-coverage-pickles=4.4.1-alt1 post-install unowned
2017-Oct-24 10:54:02 :: [x86_64] #100 python-module-coverage-pickles: no
need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
2017-Oct-24 10:54:17 :: [i586] #200 python-module-z4r-coveralls: no need
to repeat, install check SKIPPED
2017-Oct-24 10:54:18 :: [x86_64] #200 python-module-z4r-coveralls: no
need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
2017-Oct-24 10:54:32 :: [x86_64] #200 python-module-z4r-coveralls-tests:
no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
2017-Oct-24 10:54:32 :: [i586] #200 python-module-z4r-coveralls-tests:
no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
2017-Oct-24 10:54:46 :: [i586] #100 python3-module-coverage: no need to
repeat, install check SKIPPED
2017-Oct-24 10:54:47 :: [x86_64] #100 python3-module-coverage: no need
to repeat, install check SKIPPED
2017-Oct-24 10:55:01 :: [x86_64] #100 python3-module-coverage-debuginfo:
no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
2017-Oct-24 10:55:02 :: [i586] #100 python3-module-coverage-debuginfo:
no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
2017-Oct-24 10:55:14 :: [x86_64] #200 python3-module-z4r-coveralls: no
need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
2017-Oct-24 10:55:15 :: [i586] #200 python3-module-z4r-coveralls: no
need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
2017-Oct-24 10:55:28 :: [x86_64] #200
python3-module-z4r-coveralls-tests: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
2017-Oct-24 10:55:30 :: [i586] #200 python3-module-z4r-coveralls-tests:
no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
2017-Oct-24 10:55:30 :: [x86_64-i586] plan: #2 +2 -2 =11412
2017-Oct-24 10:56:13 :: [i586] remote arepo: initroot failed
2017-Oct-24 10:56:13 :: [x86_64-i586] remote build FAILED
2017-Oct-24 10:56:13 :: [x86_64-i586] build FAILED
2017-Oct-24 10:56:13 :: task #191976 for sisyphus FAILED
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