[d-kernel] q: 2.6.24 unlucky?
Michael Shigorin
Вс Май 11 00:19:54 MSD 2008
The stable kernel has been released. It was a bit
earlier than expected due to "two security bugs fixed in here
that just recently were made public". The release note is not
clear which of the updates are the security fixes, but "all users
of the 2.6.25 series are strongly encouraged to upgrade, and
anyone running 2.6.24 should also move up to 2.6.25 at this time
if possible." Click below for more details.
--- http://lwn.net/Articles/281689
Могу быть неправ, но что-то кажется, что .24 -- "неудачное"...
ovz-шники его так и не довели до ума, все остальные тоже скорее
---- WBR, Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux.ru>
------ Linux.Kiev http://www.linux.kiev.ua/
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