[Comm] очистка сканов для DJVU

Gleb Kulikov =?iso-8859-1?q?glebus_=CE=C1_asd=2Eiao=2Eru?=
Вт Мар 10 11:01:44 MSK 2009

In message [Понедельник 09 марта 2009] from Aleksander Gorohovski was written:
> Уважаемое сообщество,
> Доброго времени суток!
> Подскажите есть ли программа, с помощью которой можно
> "подчистить" сканы (в формате TIFF) в пакетном режиме?
> для последующего конвертирования в DJVU
> Нашел
> unpaper - post-processing scanned and photocopied book pages

посмотри это (сорри, цитата из моего письма, некогда):

PS: you may be interesting to see "unpaper" utility aimed to process scanned 
images (http://download.berlios.de/unpaper/unpaper-bin-0.3.tar.gz)

You may be interesting also in "Scan Tailor" 
(https://nova-forum.com/topic.cgi?forum=5&topic=27424&start=200), site of the 
Project: http://scantailor.sourceforge.net/

PPS: there is an very an very clever scan preparation software, "Scan 
Kromsator" by bolega на hotmail.ru (freeware for Windows, but closed source, as 
far as i know). It's started on Linux using Wine. It's may be very usefull to 
contact the author and simply take the rights :) 

What about me, i'm prefer DJVU and i'm ceating multipage DJVU documents by 
simple homemade script: 1) i'm scanning documents by "xsane": it can 
autonumber resulting files, then 2) i'm running simple selfwritten script in 
the directory where scanned files resides.
So 1 hour is enough to produce circa of 200 pages (with HP Photosmart C3183 
combined printer-scanner) in bundled DJVU.

If you are interesting, i'll send you my script.

Probably, there are some another scanner front-ends, i need some time to 
remember/find where there are.

PS: интересно, кстати, а почему это у нас gscan2pdf не делает djvu?

      Салют, /GLeb

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