[Comm] проблемы с латиницей centericq+screen

Nick S. Grechukh =?iso-8859-1?q?nick=2Egrechukh_=CE=C1_bigmir=2Enet?=
Пн Июл 25 19:29:08 MSD 2005

настойчивым тралением гугла нарыл:


[*] centericq + screen by jammer - Oct 13th 2002 19:12:09
Every now and then centericq seems to send some bogus escape codes that puts 
screen into a high-bit mode. I have to ^L in centericq to fix it.

[*] Re: centericq + screen  by Victor - Nov 7th 2003 16:10:02
Try using: screen centericq -a

да, это помогло. багу на centericq? 

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