[Comm] Почтовые ящики по NFS

Sergey V. Golovin =?iso-8859-1?q?svgol_=CE=C1_samkon=2Eru?=
Ср Янв 15 08:22:28 MSK 2003

Кстати, вот из help'а к mutt

 Maildir.  The newest of the mailbox formats, used by the Qmail MTA (a
  replacement for sendmail).  Similar to MH, except that it adds three
  subdirectories of the mailbox: tmp, new and cur.  Filenames for the
  messages are chosen in such a way they are unique, even when two
  programs are writing the mailbox over NFS, which means that no file
  locking is needed.

Так что Igor Homyakov сказал в тему - Maildir дожны избавить
от ошибок блокировки.

Sergey V. Golovin

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