[mdk-re] [JT] Fwd: Re: [seul-edu] How to "teach Linux"?
Michael Shigorin
Пн Мар 18 13:01:03 MSK 2002
----- Forwarded message from Valkai Elod <elod на bartok.tm.edu.ro> -----
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2002 19:55:14 +0200 (EET)
From: Valkai Elod <elod на bartok.tm.edu.ro>
To: seul-edu на seul.org
Subject: Re: [seul-edu] How to "teach Linux"?
On Thu, 14 Mar 2002, Stephen C. Daukas wrote:
> I am wondering if anyone is aware of lesson plans, et al., for teaching
> UNIX and/or Linux to gifted 11th & 12th graders (or to college freshmen for
> that matter) that I could use to gain an understanding of what to cover and
> in what detail?
> I would like to take the students through the basic structure of
> UNIX/Linux, and want to install Red Hat on several machines with them. I
> was thinking of both hands-on (e.g., build a server) and lecture (this is
> how the boot process works, etc.). Short of feeling my way through this,
> I'm looking for suggestions from those who have gone down a similar path!
There's a book out there. http://rute.sourceforge.net. It's great but it
tends to cover too much (44 chapters). It might be what you're looking
for. If not, it's still one of the best references out there.
Elod VALKAI /V\ "Linux is like a wigwam -
elod на bartok.tm.edu.ro // \\ no windows, no gates,
/( )\ apache inside!"
==netadmin на bartok===== ^`~'^ ==---phone:(+40)56 221273 (195913-home)---===
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---- WBR, Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux.ru>
------ http://visa.chem.univ.kiev.ua/~mike/
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