[Comm-en] P10 LXDE i586 build on older hardware

TheGrove admin at thegrove.in.nf
Tue Dec 19 20:24:29 MSK 2023

I hope no one minds that I started a new thread for this subject.

I downloaded the Dec 18 build that was made for p10 LXDE i586, used ALT 
Media Maker to put it to a USB and booted it up on my EeeBox.  I can run 
the Live session just fine.  But, when it comes to the install, at step 
6/14 when it's installing from base image, at 2% it stops with a "Fatal 
error".  Error unpacking image from /dev/loop0 into /mnt/destination:1

So, now I go back and boot up my older copy of p9 GNUStep x86 and 
install that, everything completes with no troubles.  The only 
difference that I can see between the install processes (well apart from 
all of the back-end changes between p9 and p10) is that the installer is 
forcing Ext4 format in p10 and p9 is using Ext2/3.  But, I can't see 
that as being an issue.  It never has been before, anyway.

So, this is where I'm at.  But, no rush in finding a solution, if it's 
even worth perusing.  For this one EeeBox, I'm perfectly happy staying 
with p9.  Just keep posting updates for it, please. :) I just wanted the 
team to know my results, as I said I would report them back to you.


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