[Comm-en] p10-lxde-20230910-x86_64 kernel panic: sync error

TheGrove admin at thegrove.in.nf
Mon Dec 18 19:52:54 MSK 2023

On 12/18/23 5:08 AM, Michael Shigorin wrote:
> David, we discussed the initrd size a bit more and came to
> conclusion that it's worth to try out i586 (32-bit) build;
> Anton is going to make one with a patch I've made now.
> I understand that traffic is an issue with mobile internet,
> so I've asked arbars@ to test the images first (he's got
> an EeePC with a gigabyte of RAM).
I see it in the the /p10/archive now!  Thank you!  I'll give it a try 
and report back.

~~ TheGrove Publishing Services ~~
~~ https://www.thegrove.in.nf ~~

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