[Comm-en] GNOME 2.2

cornet cornet at altlinux.ru
Wed Feb 12 21:03:50 MSK 2003


vadim at mail.cytspb.rssi.ru wrote:
> Hi!
> It seems that ALT Linux Junior supports GNOME 2.2
> I have a few machines running ALTLJ2, not all of them having Internet
> connection available.
> How can I upgrade GNOME on them?
> Maybe there is some RPM I can download and install?
> Or I need to downoad a bunch of separate RPMs for it?

People commonly use apt-get to obtain packages from Sisyphus.
If you can't use Internet connection, you can buy Junior2.2 (be
soon) and get any packages from it, by using apt-cdrom and

Vlasenko Oleg.
Technical support department ALT Linux Team.
mailto:cornet at altlinux.ru

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