[Sysadmins] IM (Jabber ?) для локалки.

Вадим Илларионов gbimobou на gmail.com
Чт Сен 25 10:21:01 MSK 2014

В письме от 25 сентября 2014 08:54:58 пользователь A. Kulikouski написал:
> 25.09.2014 04:18, Вадим Илларионов пишет:
> > В письме от 25 сентября 2014 10:04:58 пользователь alexei на taf.ru написал:
> >> Можно посмотреть в сторону openfire
> > 
> > Только он на яве.
> Для такого простого случая ява -- баааальшой минус.

Тогда ловите квинтэссенцию (без пустых и закомментаренных строк, с фейками 
серверов/админов/паролей) обкатанного конфига ejabberd, работающего в данный 
момент на usib.tv, uspost.ru, nedsib.ru

Учтите только, что у меня шаг табуляции - 4 символа. И для правильной 
расцветки синтаксиса в миднайте можно на время правки дать файлу расширение 
.erl, либо сделать симлинк с таким расширением и редактировать через него.
С уважением, *nix-администратор
Mobile: +7 (964) 103-65-67
Skype: gbIMoBou
JID = <mailto:>
Viber = Mobile
UIN: 7899517
----------- следующая часть -----------
{loglevel, 2}.												% Verbosity of log files generated by ejabberd.
{hosts, ["yoursite.ru"]}.									% Domains served by ejabberd. You can define one or several.
{watchdog_admins, ["sysadmin на yoursite.ru"]}.				% If an ejabberd process consumes too much memory, send live notifications to those Jabber accounts.
{listen, [													% Which ports will ejabberd listen, which service handles it and what options to start it with.
	{5222, ejabberd_c2s, [
		starttls, {certfile, "/etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.pem"},	% If TLS is compiled and you installed a SSL certificate, put the correct path to the file.
		{access, c2s},
		{shaper, c2s_shaper},
		{max_stanza_size, 65536}
	{5269, ejabberd_s2s_in, [
		starttls, {certfile, "/etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.pem"},
		{shaper, s2s_shaper},
		{max_stanza_size, 131072}
	{5347, ejabberd_service, [
		{name, "Шлюз в ICQ"},
		{ip, {127,0,0,1}},
		{access, all},
		{shaper_rule, fast},
		{hosts, ["icq.yoursite.ru", "sms.yoursite.ru"], [{password, "icqPassWord"}]}
	{5348, ejabberd_service, [
		{name, "Шлюз в MRA"},
		{ip, {127,0,0,1}},
		{access, all},
		{shaper_rule, fast},
		{host, "mrim.yoursite.ru", [{password, "mrimPassWord"}]}
	{5349, ejabberd_service, [
		{name, "Шлюз в MSN"},
		{ip, {127,0,0,1}},
		{access, all},
		{shaper_rule, fast},
		{host, "msn.yoursite.ru", [{password, "msnPassWord"}]}
	{5350, ejabberd_service, [
		{name, "Шлюз в контакте"},
		{ip, {127,0,0,1}},
		{access, all},
		{shaper_rule, fast},
		{host, "online.yoursite.ru", [{password, "vkPassWord"}]}
	{5280, ejabberd_http, [http_poll, web_admin]}
{s2s_use_starttls, true}.									% Enable STARTTLS + Dialback for S2S connections.
{s2s_certfile, "/etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.pem"}.				% You must specify a certificate file.
{auth_method, ldap}.										% Authentication using LDAP
{ldap_servers, ["ldap.tld"]}.
{ldap_base, "dc=yoursite,dc=ru"}.							% Search base of LDAP directory
{ldap_rootdn, "cn=sysadmin,dc=yoursite,dc=ru"}.				% LDAP manager
{ldap_password, "DerUberParol"}.							% Password to LDAP manager
{ldap_uids, [{"mail", "%u на yoursite.ru"}]}.					% LDAP attribute that holds user ID
{shaper, normal, {maxrate, 1000}}.							% The "normal"	shaper limits traffic speed to  1 kB/s
{shaper, fast, {maxrate, 50000}}.							% The "fast"	shaper limits traffic speed to 50 kB/s
{acl, local, {user_regexp, "yoursite.ru"}}.					% Local users. Do not modify this line.
{acl, admin, {user, "sysadmin", "yoursite.ru"}}.
{acl, admin, {user, "sysadmin", "tld"}}.
{access, max_user_sessions, [{10, all}]}.					% Maximum number of simultaneous sessions allowed for a single user
{access, local, [{allow, local}]}.							% This rule allows access only for local users
{access, c2s, [												% Only non-blocked users can use c2s connections
	{deny, blocked},
	{allow, all}
{access, c2s_shaper, [{none, admin},						% For C2S connections, all users except admins use "normal" shaper
					{normal, all}
{access, s2s_shaper, [{fast, all}]}.						% All S2S connections use "fast" shaper
{access, announce, [{allow, admin}]}.						% Only admins can send announcement messages
{access, configure, [{allow, admin}]}.						% Only admins can use configuration interface
{access, muc_admin, [{allow, admin}]}.						% Admins of this server are also admins of MUC service
{access, muc, [{allow, all}]}.								% All users are allowed to use MUC service
{access, pubsub_createnode, [{allow, all}]}.				% Everybody can create pubsub nodes
{access, register, [{deny, all}]}.							% In-band registration allows registration of any possible username.
{language, "ru"}.											% Default language used for server messages.
{modules, [													% Modules enabled in all ejabberd virtual hosts.
	{mod_adhoc,			[]},
	{mod_announce,		[{access, announce}]},				% recommends mod_adhoc
	{mod_caps,			[]},
	{mod_configure,		[]},								% requires mod_adhoc
	{mod_disco,			[
		{extra_domains, [
	{mod_irc,			[]},
	{mod_last,			[]},
	{mod_muc,			[
		{access, muc},
		{access_create, muc},
		{access_persistent, muc},
		{access_admin, muc_admin}
	{mod_offline,		[]},
	{mod_privacy,		[]},
	{mod_private,		[]},
	{mod_proxy65, [
		{name, "Файлообменный прокси"}
	{mod_pubsub,		[									% requires mod_caps
		{access_createnode, pubsub_createnode},
		{plugins, ["default", "pep"]}
	{mod_roster,		[]},
		{ldap_base,			"dc=yoursite,dc=ru"},
		{ldap_filter,		"(initials=*)"},
		{ldap_rfilter,		"(initials=*)"},
		{ldap_memberattr,	"uid"},
		{ldap_useruid,		"uid"},
		{ldap_userdesc,		"cn"},
		{ldap_uidattr,		"cn"},
		{ldap_groupdesc,	"departmentNumber"},
		{ldap_groupattr,	"ou"}
	{mod_stats,			[]},
	{mod_time,			[]},
	{mod_vcard_ldap,	[
		{ldap_vcard_map, [
			{"NICKNAME",	"%s", ["cn"]},
			{"GIVEN",		"%s", ["givenName"]},
			{"MIDDLE",		"%s", ["initials"]},
			{"FAMILY",		"%s", ["sn"]},
			{"FN",			"%s", ["displayName"]},
			{"EMAIL",		"%s", ["mail"]},
			{"ORGNAME",		"%s", ["o"]},
			{"ORGUNIT",		"%s", ["departmentNumber"]},
			{"CTRY",		"%s", ["co"]},
			{"LOCALITY",	"%s", ["l"]},
			{"STREET",		"%s", ["street"]},
			{"REGION",		"%s", ["st"]},
			{"PCODE",		"%s", ["postalCode"]},
			{"TITLE",		"%s", ["title"]},
			{"URL",			"%s", ["labeledURI"]},
			{"DESC",		"%s", ["description"]},
			{"BDAY",		"%s", ["birthDate"]},
			{"TEL",			"%s", ["telephoneNumber"]}
		{ldap_search_fields, [
			{"User",		"cn"},
			{"Name",		"givenName"},
			{"Family Name",	"sn"},
			{"Email",		"mail"},
			{"Company",		"o"},
			{"Department",	"departmentNumber"},
			{"Role",		"title"},
			{"Birthday",	"birthDate"},
			{"Description",	"description"},
			{"Country",		"co"},
			{"Phone",		"telephoneNumber"}
		{ldap_search_reported, [
			{"Full Name",	"FN"},
			{"Nickname",	"NICKNAME"},
			{"Birthday",	"BDAY"},
			{"Country",		"CTRY"},
			{"Email",		"EMAIL"}
	{mod_version,		[]}

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