[Sysadmins] Проблемы с http://dsbl.org/
Чт Окт 11 20:29:35 MSD 2007
11.10.2007 20:08 Pavel wrote:
PNS> Здравствуйте!
PNS> Такая проблема: попала наша почта в "чёрные списки"
PNS> на http://dsbl.org/
The DSBL lists contain the IP addresses of servers which have relayed
special test messages to listme на listme.dsbl.org; this can happen if
the server is an open relay, an open proxy or has another
vulnerability that allows anybody to deliver email to anywhere,
through that server. Note that DSBL itself doesn't do any tests; it
simply listens for incoming test messages and lists the server that
delivers the message to DSBL's mail server.
Для начала советуют всё же избавиться от вирусов, троянов, червей,
дырок и прочего.
How do hosts get removed from DSBL?
The removal of a host from DSBL is done using the following procedure:
1. Somebody requests that the host is removed from DSBL.
2. DSBL sends a confirmation email to the administrator of the host in
3. The server administrator confirms that the server should be removed
from DSBL by clicking the link in the email.
4. 24-25 hours later, DSBL removes the server from the list.
Note that DSBL does not verify whether the server has been secured or
not, the fact that the server's administrator is made aware of the
fact that there is (or was) a problem should mean the problem gets
fixed. If it doesn't get fixed the next spam run will probably trigger
a test by one of the other DSBL testers and will get the server listed
А когда избавились - написать свой IP тут http://dsbl.org/removalquery
и ждать пока, скорее всего на postmaster на vulnerable_host напишут.
Binary yours,
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