[room] листая подшивки lwn

Michael Shigorin mike на osdn.org.ua
Вс Янв 2 14:09:40 UTC 2011

	С наступившим!
Читаю http://lwn.net/Articles/418336/ --  "opensuse trolling
release", и следом Distribution quotes of the week с шикарной
зарисовкой notting@ по части вариаций дистрибутива. :)

Way back in the day, there was only the main tree. And we shipped it.

Then, there was the Desktop Live image, and it was asked:

"Hey rel-eng, can you build this? And proto-QA, can you test this?"

"Um, sure, OK."

Then the KDE SIG asked, "hey, we'd like a live image too. Hey,
rel-eng, can you build this? And proto-QA, can you test this?"

"Sure, I guess so".

And then came someone wanting XFCE. And someone wanting LXDE. And
someone saying "hey, I'd like to build an Electronics Lab". And
then someone mentioned Sugar. And they all said, "Hey, rel-eng,
can you build this? And proto-QA, can you test this?"

Then proto-QA and rel-eng both said "hey, wait a minute... no, not really."

And that's where the spins SIG was born 
--- Bill Nottingham

 ---- WBR, Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux.ru>
  ------ Linux.Kiev http://www.linux.kiev.ua/

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