[room] Некоторые мысли о курилках

Catherine =?iso-8859-1?q?jes_=CE=C1_ttk=2Eru?=
Чт Ноя 22 15:00:48 MSK 2007

В сообщении от Thursday 22 November 2007 14:50:59 Anatol B. Bazyukin 
> Здравствуйте, Catherine.
> >Фу! там тоже врут
> Вы невнимательно прочли компьютерру:
> Впрочем, в этой легенде содержится лишь малая толика истины

Там никакой толики истины нет. См. внимательно ещё раз:
The errors in the sources are obvious and the story itself is almost wholly 
... Agreeing with Gibbon this time, we can dismiss it as a legend.

> Однако, несмотря на то что эта легенда скорее всего исламского
> происхождения, она пришлась по вкусу западным ориенталистам, привыкшим
> сетовать на печальную судьбу европейского знания на варварском Востоке.

Как у вас с английским?
Тогда я приведу подробнее цитату из ссылки выше:

In the thirteenth century ___the great Jacobite ***Christian*** Bishop Gregory 
Bar Hebræus (died 1286), called Abû 'l Faraj in Arabic___, fleshes the story 
out and includes the famous epigram about the Koran. Again there is no clue 
as to where he found the story but it seems to have been one doing the rounds 
among Christians living under the dominion of the Moslems. Gregory is happy 
to record plenty of far fetched tales about omens and monstrosities so we 
must treat this story with the greatest suspicion. As it is not even included 
in the original version of his history but only in the Arabic version that he 
translated and abridged himself very late in life, he may not have known the 
story when he first put pen to parchment. In The Vanished Library, Canfora 
mentions a Syriac manuscript published in Paris at the end of the nineteenth 
century by François Nau. It was written by a Christian monk in the ninth 
century and details the conversation between John and Caliph Omar. After help 
from email correspondents, I have finally been able to find this elusive 
document in its French translation and ascertained that it makes ___no 
mention of any library and appears to be an example of a theological dialogue 
between two representative individuals___. In other words ___it is not 
historical and has no pretensions to be___.

С уважением,

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