[room] Можно ли заработать на OpenSource?
Vasily Kolomeets
Чт Июн 8 10:34:00 MSD 2006
Michael Shigorin wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 06, 2006 at 07:08:48PM +0400, Alexei V. Mezin wrote:
>> Тут коллеги (нисколько не программисты) интересуются, а можно ли
>> заработать на OpenSource-проектах.
> http://www.winterspeak.com/columns/102901.html неплохо поясняет.
We vastly prefer to make a living off of software licensing, not services.
In fact, three quarters of the money we make comes from licensing, and only
a quarter from support and related services. Given that, it's much more in
Sleepycat's interest to have our high-powered developers working on
features that we can go sell to lots of customers, rather than projects
that we can sell to just one or two.
Мне вот интересно, на чём будут зарабатывать компании, которых сейчас кормит
двойная лицензия когда FLOSS-продукты станут оч.-оч. распространёнными?
Сейчас, по сути они живут за счёт продаж проприетарщиков.
Is it possible that software is not like anything else, that it is meant to
be discarded: that the whole point is to see it as a soap bubble?
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