[room] Fwd: Good stuff from Fedora

Michael Shigorin =?iso-8859-1?q?mike_=CE=C1_osdn=2Eorg=2Eua?=
Сб Янв 7 20:41:53 MSK 2006

----- Forwarded message from Jorge Bernal <koke/amedias.org> -----

Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 12:47:30 +0100
From: Jorge Bernal <koke/amedias.org>
To: The Sounder <sounder/lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: Good stuff from Fedora

There-s nothing like good humour in bad moments:

<to be sung to the tune of Jingle Bells>
Dashing through the builds
In a one cup holder desk
O're the build errors we go
Swearing all the way!

Phones on dev's desks ring
Making Managers frown
What fun it is to cuss and swear
re-baseing on GCC!

Oh, software sucks,
Software sucks,
Software really sucks!

Oh what fun it is to slip our release for a month!

Software sucks,
Software sucks,
Software really sucks!

Oh, what fun it is to slip our release for a month!

We rebuilt java* once
It wasn't very nice
we rebuilt everything else
to our user's delight!

Broken deps still there
Making testing fun
We really thing we need to test
for another month!

Oh, software sucks,
Software sucks,
Software really sucks!

Oh what fun it is to slip our release for a month!

Oh What Fun It Is To Slip Our Release For A Monnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnth!!!

Jorge Bernal <jbernal/warp.es>
Warp Networks S.L.
[EN] http://koke.amedias.org/
[ES] http://www.amedias.org/koke

----- End forwarded message -----

 ---- WBR, Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux.ru>
  ------ Linux.Kiev http://www.linux.kiev.ua/

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