[room] Fwd: Re: blog entry: "Installation Face Off: Linux or Windows"

Afanasov Dmitry =?iso-8859-1?q?ender_=CE=C1_comp-mir=2Eru?=
Пн Дек 19 12:09:00 MSK 2005

On Fri, Dec 16, 2005 at 03:00:22PM +0200, Michael Shigorin wrote:
> I especially like
> Edubuntu, __with the little girl on the desktop__. It is so neetly done,
> giving the right associations. I would never like to remove her, even if I
> can.
> And here I also have to admit something that might be a deadly sin: I am
> happy to have this little girl instead of that annoing little Tux. Ok.
> __Penquins are nice. But they seem to be everywhere.__
действительно, пингвинов многовато что-то, девущек бы по больше :)

 С уважением,
 Афанасов Дмитрий
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