[sisyphus] Fwd: [fmII] collectd 4.6.0 released (Default branch)
Michael Shigorin
Чт Фев 19 16:41:03 MSK 2009
Было бы крайне здорово обновить collectd в Sisyphus до 4.x;
поскольку между 3.x и 4.x сильно изменилось представление данных
(миграция возможна, но требует пристального внимания) и потому
CGI-скрипты тоже несовместимы в обе стороны, то я уже с год над
этим раздумываю порой и не знаю, как быть.
В Томске договорились с lav@, что сделаю collectd4 и для него
/var/lib/collectd4 -- но так и не добрался, а мой текущий вариант
не поддерживает обновление с 3.x ни в каком виде в плане данных.
Одним словом, если есть заинтересованные -- возьмите пакет.
Наработки по части 4.x выложил (есть 4.4.1, используемый в деле
на M40); локальные и ещё не упакеченные эксперименты по части
порезки конфигурации в /etc/collectd.d/ -- выдам.
PS: разработка в git, апстрим вменяемый.
----- Forwarded message from noreply на freshmeat -----
This email is to inform you about the release of version '4.6.0' of
'collectd' through freshmeat.net. All URLs and other useful information can
be found at
The changes in this release are as follows:
An infrastructure for filtering and manipulating values has been added
to the daemon. A communication and control library has been added.
Plug-ins for BIND, cURL, DBI, OpenVPN, Oracle, and RRDCacheD have been
added. New features have been added to the CSV, Interface, memcached,
MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Processes plug-ins. The CPU and Swap plug-ins
have been ported to OpenBSD. Error handling and/or portability has
been improved in the IPMI and Perl plug-ins.
Release focus:
5 - Major feature enhancements
Project added:
Mon, Aug 8th 2005 05:47 (3 years, 6 months ago)
Project description:
collectd is a small and modular daemon which collects system
information periodically and provides means to store the values.
Included in the distribution are numerous plug-ins for collecting CPU,
disk, and memory usage, network interface and DNS traffic, network
latency, database statistics, and much more. Custom statistics can
easily be added in a number of ways, including execution of arbitrary
programs and plug-ins written in Perl. Advanced features include a
powerful network code to collect statistics for entire setups and SNMP
integration to query network equipment.
Trove categories:
[Development Status ] 5 - Production/Stable
[Environment ] No Input/Output (Daemon)
[Intended Audience ] System Administrators
[License ] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Network Environment ] IP :: IPv4, IP :: IPv6
[Operating System ] MacOS X, POSIX :: Linux, POSIX :: SunOS/Solaris
[Programming Language] C
[Topic ] System :: Monitoring, System :: Networking ::
Monitoring, System :: Systems Administration
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login to freshmeat.net and choose 'home' from the personal menubar at the
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----- End forwarded message -----
---- WBR, Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux.ru>
------ Linux.Kiev http://www.linux.kiev.ua/
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