[sisyphus] Bind и "_"

Sergey =?iso-8859-1?q?a=5Fs=5Fy_=CE=C1_sama=2Eru?=
Чт Июл 10 13:35:30 MSD 2008

On Wednesday 09 July 2008, Michael Shigorin wrote:

> > http://mtamark.space.net/draft-stumpf-dns-mtamark-04.txt
> Зато имеет отношение к игнорированию RFC.
Оппа. А вот это уже совсем интересно:


14.4.  Server-to-Server Communications


   Inter-domain connections MUST NOT proceed until the DNS hostnames
   asserted by the servers have been resolved.  Such resolutions MUST
   first attempt to resolve the hostname using an [SRV] Service of
   "xmpp-server" and Proto of "tcp", resulting in resource records such
   as "_xmpp-server._tcp.example.com."

С уважением, Сергей
a_s_y на sama.ru

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