[sisyphus] tomboy

Andrii Dobrovol`s`kii =?iso-8859-1?q?dobr_=CE=C1_iop=2Ekiev=2Eua?=
Чт Янв 17 17:23:13 MSK 2008

Vitaly Lipatov пишет:
> On 16 января 2008, Andrii Dobrovol`s`kii wrote:
>> Vitaly Lipatov пишет:
>>> On 15 января 2008, Andrii Dobrovol`s`kii wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Отвалился Tomboy. Можно вернуть его к жизни?
> ...
>> Вчера сделал тотальное обновление. При старте Гнома
>> выскакивает окно с сообщением, что Томбой не может стартовать
>> и предложением удалить аплет из панели.
> Запустите tomboy из консоли пожалуйста, и если не запустится, 
> пришлите что пишет.
> Я не пользуюсь GNOME и не могу проверить апплет.
[DEBUG]: NoteManager created with note path "/home/andriy/.tomboy".
[INFO]: Initializing Mono.Addins
[DEBUG]: AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.Tomboy
[DEBUG]: 	       Name: Tomboy.Tomboy,0.9
[DEBUG]: 	Description:
[DEBUG]: 	  Namespace: Tomboy
[DEBUG]: 	    Enabled: True
[DEBUG]: 	       File: /usr/lib/tomboy/Tomboy.exe
/home/andriy/.gtkrc-2.0:2: Не вдається знайти
файл, що включається: ".gtkrc-2.0-scrollbar_cog"
[WARN]: Couldn't create a NoteAddin instance: Exception has been
thrown by the target of an invocation.
[DEBUG]: AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.ExportToHtmlAddin
[DEBUG]: 	       Name: Export to HTML
[DEBUG]: 	Description: Exports individual notes to HTML.
[DEBUG]: 	  Namespace: Tomboy
[DEBUG]: 	    Enabled: True
[DEBUG]: 	       File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/ExportToHtml.dll
[DEBUG]: AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.PrintNotesAddin
[DEBUG]: 	       Name: Printing Support
[DEBUG]: 	Description: Allows you to print a note.
[DEBUG]: 	  Namespace: Tomboy
[DEBUG]: 	    Enabled: True
[DEBUG]: 	       File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/PrintNotes.dll
[DEBUG]: AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.BacklinksAddin
[DEBUG]: 	       Name: Backlinks
[DEBUG]: 	Description: See which notes link to the one you're
currently viewing.
[DEBUG]: 	  Namespace: Tomboy
[DEBUG]: 	    Enabled: True
[DEBUG]: 	       File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/Backlinks.dll
[DEBUG]: AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.EvolutionAddin
[DEBUG]: 	       Name: Evolution Mail Integration
[DEBUG]: 	Description: Allows you to drag an email from Evolution
into a tomboy note.  The message subject is added as a link in the note.
[DEBUG]: 	  Namespace: Tomboy
[DEBUG]: 	    Enabled: True
[DEBUG]: 	       File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/Evolution.dll
[DEBUG]: AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.FixedWidthAddin
[DEBUG]: 	       Name: Fixed Width
[DEBUG]: 	Description: Adds fixed-width font style.
[DEBUG]: 	  Namespace: Tomboy
[DEBUG]: 	    Enabled: True
[DEBUG]: 	       File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/FixedWidth.dll
[DEBUG]: AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.StickyNoteImportAddin
[DEBUG]: 	       Name: Sticky Notes Importer
[DEBUG]: 	Description: Import your notes from the Sticky Notes applet.
[DEBUG]: 	  Namespace: Tomboy
[DEBUG]: 	    Enabled: True
[DEBUG]: 	       File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/StickyNoteImport.dll
[DEBUG]: StickyNoteImporter: Sticky Notes XML file does not exist or
is invalid!
[WARN]: Couldn't create a NoteAddin instance: Exception has been
thrown by the target of an invocation.
[WARN]: Couldn't create a NoteAddin instance: Exception has been
thrown by the target of an invocation.
[WARN]: Couldn't create a NoteAddin instance: Exception has been
thrown by the target of an invocation.
[WARN]: Couldn't create a NoteAddin instance: Exception has been
thrown by the target of an invocation.
[WARN]: Couldn't create a NoteAddin instance: Exception has been
thrown by the target of an invocation.
[WARN]: Couldn't create a NoteAddin instance: Exception has been
thrown by the target of an invocation.
[WARN]: Couldn't create a NoteAddin instance: Exception has been
thrown by the target of an invocation.
[WARN]: Couldn't create a NoteAddin instance: Exception has been
thrown by the target of an invocation.
[WARN]: Couldn't create a NoteAddin instance: Exception has been
thrown by the target of an invocation.
[WARN]: Couldn't create a NoteAddin instance: Exception has been
thrown by the target of an invocation.
[WARN]: Couldn't create a NoteAddin instance: Exception has been
thrown by the target of an invocation.
[WARN]: Couldn't create a NoteAddin instance: Exception has been
thrown by the target of an invocation.
[WARN]: Couldn't create a NoteAddin instance: Exception has been
thrown by the target of an invocation.
[WARN]: Couldn't create a NoteAddin instance: Exception has been
thrown by the target of an invocation.
[WARN]: Couldn't create a NoteAddin instance: Exception has been
thrown by the target of an invocation.
[WARN]: Couldn't create a NoteAddin instance: Exception has been
thrown by the target of an invocation.
[WARN]: Couldn't create a NoteAddin instance: Exception has been
thrown by the target of an invocation.
[WARN]: Couldn't create a NoteAddin instance: Exception has been
thrown by the target of an invocation.
[DEBUG]: AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.WebDavSyncServiceAddin
[DEBUG]: 	       Name: WebDav Sync Service Add-in
[DEBUG]: 	Description: Synchronize Tomboy Notes to a WebDav URL
[DEBUG]: 	  Namespace: Tomboy
[DEBUG]: 	    Enabled: True
[DEBUG]: 	       File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/WebDavSyncService.dll
[DEBUG]: AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.FileSystemSyncServiceAddin
[DEBUG]: 	       Name: Local Directory Sync Service Add-in
[DEBUG]: 	Description: Synchronize Tomboy Notes to a local file
system path
[DEBUG]: 	  Namespace: Tomboy
[DEBUG]: 	    Enabled: True
[DEBUG]: 	       File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/FileSystemSyncService.dll
[DEBUG]: Unable to locate 'gnomesu' in your PATH
[DEBUG]: Unable to locate 'gksu' in your PATH
[DEBUG]: Unable to locate 'gksudo' in your PATH
[DEBUG]: Unable to locate 'kdesu' in your PATH
[WARN]: No GUI 'su' tool found
[DEBUG]: Failed to find all system tools for SyncUtils
[DEBUG]: Unable to locate 'wdfs' in your PATH
[DEBUG]: Unable to locate 'fusermount' in your PATH
[DEBUG]: Tomboy remote control active.
[DEBUG]: EnableDisable Called: enabling... True
[DEBUG]: Binding key '<Alt>F12' for
[DEBUG]: Binding key '<Alt>F11' for

И почему-то сел в трей... Раньше сидел в панели...
email: dobr at iop dot kiev dot ua            Kyiv, Ukraine
Phone: (380-44)   525-7824            Department of Gas Electronics
Fax:   (380-44)   525-2329             Institute of Physics of NASU

----------- следующая часть -----------
Было удалено вложение не в текстовом формате...
Имя     : signature.asc
Тип     : application/pgp-signature
Размер  : 189 байтов
Описание: OpenPGP digital signature
Url     : <http://lists.altlinux.org/pipermail/sisyphus/attachments/20080117/7c1a3cfe/attachment-0002.bin>

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