[sisyphus] driver hsf modem & 2.6.24-std-def-alt6
Valery Pipin
Вт Апр 8 17:19:38 MSD 2008
На ядре 2.6.24-std-def-alt6 не работает сборка драйвера для hsf modema,
взято с linuxant.com. Пишет
No pre-built modules for: Fedora- linux-2.6.24-std-def-alt6 i686-SMP
Trying to automatically build the driver modules...
(this requires a C compiler and proper kernel sources to be installed)
Where is the linux source build directory that matches your running kernel?
WARNING: the kernel version () defined in
does not match the currently running kernel (2.6.24-std-def-alt6)
The cause of this problem is an incorrect kernel source path.
Please check that /lib/modules/2.6.24-std-def-alt6/build points to the right
The cause of this is usually a missing or unconfigured
kernel source tree (and sometimes an incorrect directory or symbolic link).
Я посмотрел в
этот /lib/modules/2.6.24-std-def-alt6/build/include/linux/version.h
и не понял кода :-). Можно там руками написать нужную версию?
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