[sisyphus] I: ltsp localdev-related packages
Michael Shigorin
mike на osdn.org.ua
Ср Янв 17 18:49:12 MSK 2007
Hi there.
On a second attempt, I've actually found the source for faked
ltsp-server-pkg src.rpm (Scott told he's not very much into
building RPMs, so had to mess with binaries):
Since we need local device support anyway, decided to go out
on a limb again; this time, the source links were googled up
and specs for the three separate utilities pulled off LTSP CVS
written. They are available here:
lbussd.spec ltspfs.spec ltspswapd.spec ltsp-server-pkg.spec
src.rpm's: http://old.linux.kiev.ua/~mike/RPM/SRPMS/LTSP/
ltsp-server-pkg.spec defines a meta-package which pulls in
utility packages (at least to make it compatible with docs:
Scott, feel free to incorporate these specs in yours or anyone's
builds; I'm reluctant to subscribe to ltsp-discuss@ at this point
having enough inbound mail traffic already but that may yet
happen (there were script patches as well, generally LTSP doesn't
suffer very much from defensive programming style :-( ).
---- WBR, Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux.ru>
------ Linux.Kiev http://www.linux.kiev.ua/
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