[sisyphus] Daedalus: New packages

Daedalus daedalus на altlinux.org
Вт Окт 3 17:13:08 MSD 2006

В Daedalus выложены обновлённые пакеты:

Description :
TCC (for Tiny C Compiler) is a small, fast, unlimited and safe ANSI C
compiler.  It generates optimized x86 code, and can compile, assemble,
and link several times faster than 'gcc -O0'.  Any C dynamic library
can be used directly.  It includes an optional memory and bounds
checker, and bounds-checked code can be mixed freely with standard
code.  C script is also supported via the usual hash-bang mechanism.

* Втр Окт 03 2006 Led <led@> 0.9.23-alt1
- 0.9.23
- cleaned up spec

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