[sisyphus] python-module-setuptools

Andrey Khavryuchenko akhavr на gmail.com
Чт Дек 14 20:41:27 MSK 2006


Можно попросить обновить python-module-setuptools, т.к. текущий сизифовый
уже не справляется с mechanize:

Running mechanize-0.1.5b/setup.py -q bdist_egg --dist-dir /tmp/.private/akhavr/easy_install-4_Bs1e/mechanize-0.1.5b/egg-dist-tmp-P21BDW
The required version of setuptools (>=0.6c3) is not available, and
can't be installed while this script is running. Please install
 a more recent version first.

(Currently using setuptools 0.6b4dev-r0 (/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages))
error: Setup script exited with 2

Сам mechanize я, при наличии времени, опакечу.

Andrey V Khavryuchenko            
Software Development Company http://www.kds.com.ua/

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