[sisyphus] I: Sisyphus-20051018 bugs: +11 -5 (1864)

Alexey M. Tourbin =?iso-8859-1?q?at_=CE=C1_altlinux=2Eorg?=
Вт Окт 18 03:18:49 MSD 2005

	1 NEW bug quickly RESOLVED

#8276	install2-x11-qt 	minor   	INVALID
3rd primary partition: fake warning

	11 NEW bugs

#8271	alterator-xkb   	normal  	-
wrong arch

#8272	gnormalize      	normal  	-
wrong arch

#8273	pybookreader    	normal  	-
wrong arch

#8274	separator       	enhancement	-
патч для кэширования закачек удалённых пакетов

#8275	squid-server    	major   	-
wrong postinstall script in STABLE10-alt3.M24.1

#8277	easytag         	enhancement	-
config: directory at startup: allow relative path

#8278	cups            	normal  	-
доп. фича в cups alterator backend

#8279	alterator-printers	normal  	-
printer description fast hack

#8280	separator       	normal  	-
не работает на x86_64

#8281	hwdatabase      	normal  	-
SiS6326 PCI VGA: missing recommended driver

#8282	x11setupdrv     	normal  	-
segfaults with silly parameters

	5 RESOLVED bugs

#2490	emacs21-X11     	minor   	FIXED
Xkb\'s group switch breaks C-s (& beeps)

#2621	emacs21-common  	enhancement	FIXED
do not compress emty placeholders for obsolete code

#6073	emacs-misc-modes	normal  	FIXED
garbage in planner.el

#8233	indexhtml-Compact	trivial 	DUPLICATE
UPCOMING RELEASE: indexhtml needs to be updated

#8240	libapr          	enhancement	FIXED
Please build 0.9.7


#8172	alt-entities    	normal  	-
Сменились URL на сайте altlinux -- нужно entity менять

	10 RANDOM bugs

#886	apt             	major   	-
apt-get is unable to switch CD-ROMs and falls back to download, ignoring the \'--no-download\' option

#2379	gnome-panel     	trivial 	-
Error in schemas

#3459	Master-2.4-beta 	normal  	-
TODO for upcoming Master

#5109	gqmpeg          	minor   	-
Bad encoding specification in summary

#5449	xemacs-mule     	enhancement	-
Add new cyrillic-jcuken input-method for windows keyboards

#5962	emacs21-common  	normal  	-
imenu doesn't strip "\section" for LaTeX section with long titles

#6896	alterator-packages	enhancement	LATER
[FR] больше интерактивности

#7842	kernel-build-tools	enhancement	-
[FR] gzipped modules

#7988	pikt-master     	normal  	-
/usr/share/man/man1/rkey.1.gz   100640

#8119	sven            	normal  	-
Зависание при попытке сохранить измененный конфиг и нестабильная работа

Total 1864 pending bugs (303 blocker/critical/major bugs).

Alexey Tourbin
X-Avatar: QA-Robot 0.2

I need hardware and bandwidth for Sisyphus testing and pro-active QA work.

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