[sisyphus] kernel-headers-std26-up_2.6.11-alt8

Sviatoslav Sviridov =?iso-8859-1?q?Sviataslau=5FSvirydau_=CE=C1_epam=2Ecom?=
Пт Май 13 11:49:39 MSD 2005

Valery V. Inozemtsev wrote:

>В сообщении от 13 Май 2005 10:56 Boris A. Medvedev написал(a):
>такого пакета в сизифе нет
Вообще-то уже есть :)

Best Regards,
Sviatoslav Sviridov <Sviataslau_Svirydau at epam.com>
phone:  +375 (17) 210 1662, ext. 1503
fax:    +375 (17) 210 1168
mobile: +375 (29) 641 4214
Thus spake the master programmer:
	"Let the programmers be many and the managers few -- then all will
	be productive."
		-- Geoffrey James, "The Tao of Programming"

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