[sisyphus] [gmane.linux.kernel, gmane.comp.freedesktop.xorg] State of Linux graphics

Anton Farygin =?iso-8859-1?q?rider_=CE=C1_altlinux=2Ecom?=
Вт Авг 30 20:27:54 MSD 2005

Занимательная статья, описывающая
текущее состояние xorg и то, к чему все это идет.

On Tue,
30 Aug 2005 12:03:09 -0400, Jon Smirl wrote:

> I've written an article that surveys the current State of Linux graphics
> and proposes a possible path forward. This is a long article containing a
> lot of detailed technical information as a guide to future developers.
> Skip over the detailed parts if they aren't relevant to your area of work.
> http://www.freedesktop.org/~jonsmirl/graphics.html
> Topics include the current X server, framebuffer, Xgl, graphics drivers,
> multiuser support, using the GPU, and a new server design. Hopefully it
> will help you fill in the pieces and build an overall picture of the
> graphics landscape.
> The article has been reviewed but if it still contains technical errors
> please let me know. Opinions on the content are also appreciated.

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