[sisyphus] Fwd: Re: A idea for more interaction between users and distributions
Michael Shigorin
Вс Авг 21 00:42:15 MSD 2005
IMCO это стоит приспособить. :)
----- Forwarded message from volvoguy <volvoguy/gmail.com> -----
Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2005 16:32:29 -0400
From: volvoguy <volvoguy/gmail.com>
To: sounder/lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Re: A idea for more interaction between users and distributions
On 8/17/05, Jane Silber <jane.silber на canonical.com> wrote:
> A repository is in the works. It will be at art.ubuntu.com (although
> not there yet). The server is ready to go but the site isn't up yet.
> Last I heard we had contacted the folks art.gnome.org about using that
> software to host the repository. I'll check on the status of that.
One slight clarification, and only in the terminology. While
art.ubuntu.com is in the works and we ARE going to try and use the
art.gnome.org code, that doesn't automatically make it a repository
(which to my mind is something that can be accessed with a tool like
Fear not though, my definition of a repository is in the works as
well. :o) Some of you may be familiar with the "gnome-art"
application, which is basically a front-end for the artwork at
art.gnome.org. The app's author is working with various art sites like
art.gnome.org, gnome-looks.org, kde-looks.org, etc, and is trying to
create a back-end system for everyone that would allow the gnome-art
app to act somewhat like apt for artwork. You can find the app here:
The author even had a few "sneak preview" screenshots to show off to me:
All in all, I think this looks very promising. Unfortunately since the
back-end spec hasn't even been finished, we won't see this
functionality in Breezy. Just using the app's current abilities to
access art.gnome.org can be fun for now though. :o)
(The author (miketech), as well as myself, can often be found in
#gnome-art on irc.gimp.org)
Regarding our own art.ubuntu.com website, from what I understand we
have the server all prepped and ready. We're just waiting to find out
if we can and how to use the code from art.gnome.org. Hopefully this
will happen soon. :o)
Ubuntu SVG Artwork - www.volvoguy.net/ubuntu
Art, like morality, consists of drawing the line somewhere. ~ G.K. Chesterton
----- End forwarded message -----
---- WBR, Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux.ru>
------ Linux.Kiev http://www.linux.kiev.ua/
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