[sisyphus] обновление из Sisyphus-branch-3.0
Sergey Kulakov
Сб Авг 13 19:44:43 MSD 2005
Добрый день.
Хотел обновиться из :
Sisyphus-branch-3.0 <ftp://ftp.altlinux.ru/pub/beta/Sisyphus-branch-3.0>
[root на 192 root]# apt-get update
Get:1 ftp://ftp.altlinux.com i586 release [2936B]
Err ftp://ftp.altlinux.com i586 release
file was not signed with a known key. Check if the proper gpg key was
imported to your keyring.
Fetched 2936B in 0s (5353B/s)
Failed to fetch
file was not signed with a known key. Check if the proper gpg key was
imported to your keyring.
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
W: Release files for some repositories could not be retrieved or
authenticated. Such repositories are being ignored.
W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems
E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old
ones used instead.
[root на 192 root]#
где взять ключ?
С Уважением, e-mail: sergey65 на mail.ru
Сергей Кулаков. http://www.arista.ru
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