[sisyphus] I: Sisyphus-20050803 bugs: +3! +5 -6 (1923)

Alexey M. Tourbin =?iso-8859-1?q?at_=CE=C1_altlinux=2Eorg?=
Ср Авг 3 03:01:03 MSD 2005

	3 NEW bugs quickly RESOLVED

#7522	dhcpcd          	normal  	INVALID
dhcpcd doesn't respect -R flag

#7523	j2se1.4-sun-plugin-mozilla	blocker 	DUPLICATE
Зависимость на mozilla

#7528	ivman           	major   	FIXED
Не монтирует

	5 NEW bugs

#7521	xorg-x11        	blocker
CTRL+ALT+BackSpace  на Matrox

#7524	fluxbox         	normal

#7525	install2-x11-qt 	normal
неправильный порядок слов

#7526	man-pages-ru    	trivial
man access: сбились отступы

#7527	bootloader-utils	critical
Если root расположен не на hd..., то installkernel создаёт нерабочие строки в /etc/lilo.conf и /boot/grub/menu.lst

	6 RESOLVED bugs

#6620	etcnet          	enhancement	FIXED
Guess if network interfaces are managed by ifplugd

#7269	etcnet          	normal  	FIXED
broken resolver postinstall

#7305	alterator-users 	blocker 	FIXED
alterator-users doesn't check their existance

#7463	kdebase-wm      	major   	FIXED
backup files are created during saving with default permissions, even if the original file had more strict permissions set

#7470	install2-x11-qt 	normal  	FIXED
Compact 3.0 RC2: ошибки в lilo.conf в случае SATA-диска с двумя разделами NTFS

#7513	xorg-x11-drv-savage	major   	FIXED
Старая версия модуля savage

Total 1923 pending bugs.

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