[sisyphus] cpufreq module
Alexey Morsov
Ср Апр 27 21:22:59 MSD 2005
Yuri N. Sedunov wrote:
> В Срд, 27/04/2005 в 20:45 +0400, Alexey Morsov пишет:
>>Пытаюсь завести у себя на Athlon64 C'n'Q технологию
>>Как я понял из расылки + из freesource.info мне нужны модули cpufreq,
>>cpufreq_userspace и демон powernow-k8
>>Так вот - powernowd вижу, powernow-k8 не вижу: это у меня лыжи или это
>>Во вторых - не могу понять как грузить cpufreq
>>lsmod насчет него молчит,
>>в сервисах cpufreqd есть... но похожу все это не запущено
> service powernowd start
samurai на home ~ $ sudo service powernowd start
Starting powernowd service: powernowd: PowerNow Daemon v0.95, (c)
2003-2005 John Clemens
powernowd: Found 1 cpu: -- 1 thread (or core) per physical cpu
Couldn't open file: No such file or directory
Couldn't open file: No such file or directory
Couldn't open file: No such file or directory
Couldn't open file: No such file or directory
couldn't open govn's file for writing: No such file or directory
Couldn't get per-cpu data: No such file or directory
PowerNowd encountered and error and could not start.
Please make sure that:
- You are running a v2.6.7 kernel or later
- That you have sysfs mounted /sys
- That you have the core cpufreq and cpufreq-userspace
modules loaded into your kernel
- That you have the cpufreq driver for your cpu loaded,
and that it works. (check dmesg for errors)
If all of the above are true, and you still have problems,
please email the author: clemej на alum.rpi.edu
samurai на home ~ $
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