[sisyphus] VMware 5.0beta не настраиваться :-(
Alexander Kuprin
Вт Апр 5 09:29:09 MSD 2005
Доброе утро.
Народ, кто-нибудь из присутствующих использует VMware 5.0 (кажется wrar@
упомянул, что с ней проблем нет) в ALT Linux Sisyphus? vmware-config.pl
# vmware-config.pl
Making sure services for VMware Workstation are stopped.
Stopping VMware services:
Virtual machine monitor
[ DONE ]
Bridged networking on /dev/vmnet0
[ DONE ]
Virtual ethernet
[ DONE ]
Configuring fallback GTK+ 2.4 libraries.
Usage: update-mime-database [-hv] MIME-DIR CACHE-DIR
Use of uninitialized value in addition (+) at /usr/bin/vmware-config.pl
line 794.
Unable to update the MIME-Type database.
In which directory do you want to install the application's icon?
[/usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/scalable] /usr/share/icons/crystalsvg
Unable to find the answer ICONDIR in the installer database
(/etc/vmware/locations). You may want to re-install VMware Workstation.
Execution aborted.
Я уже пытался и /usr/share/pixmaps и друие каталоги с набором иконок
подсовывать -- не помогает. ;-(
WBR, Alexander Kuprin
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