[sisyphus] Помогите , плиз , с GCompris!

Slava Dubrovskiy slava на elan.com.ua
Пн Апр 25 14:42:40 MSD 2005

iLL пишет:

>>>Я уже не знаю, каким бубном трясти. После январского (вроде бы)
>>>обновления  перестал работать GCompris. Ни новые ни страые версии.
>>>Пересобираю регулярно,  на данный момент сизиф свежий, но как
>>>сегфолтился, так и сегфолтится при  запуске. Любые логи, всё, что
>>>угодно! Помогите хоть советом! На детском компе  держу что-то
>>>осеннее, просто потому, что там он ещё работает. Но все новые 
>>>игрушки они ходят играть на мой комп :-)
>>"Помогите кто чем может!" (С) ;-)
>А поделитесь spec-ом я тоже решил его собрать, но в спеке в tar.gz очень
>много зависимостей не соответствующих Сизифу (его же нет ни в дедале,
>ни в сизифе?).
Чтобы делать пакет, сначала его надо хоть как-то запустить.
Вот мой рабочий спек. Правил только BuildRequires. Ниже %description
можно не смотреть, до туда не дошел.

С уважением,
Дубровский Вячеслав.

-------------- next part --------------
Name: gcompris
Version: 6.5.1
Release: alt0
Summary: Educational suite for kids 3-10 years old
License: GPL
Group: Games/Other
URL: http://ofset.sf.net/gcompris
Source: ftp://gcompris.sourceforge.net/%name-%version.tar.gz
Packager: Slava Dubrovskiy <dubrsl at altlinux.ru>

BuildRequires: chess
BuildRequires: tetex-core texinfo
BuildRequires: libSDL_mixer-devel libSDL-devel
BuildRequires: libpopt-devel  gcc3.4-c++ zlib-devel
BuildRequires: libxml2-devel libgnomeui-devel
# (misc) needed for python support
BuildRequires: python-dev python-module-pygnome python-module-pygtk-devel python-module-pygnome-devel

Requires: gnome-libs libxml2 gdk-pixbuf gdk-pixbuf-gnomecanvas libgnomecanvas
Requires: chess >= 5.02
Requires: python-base gnome-python gnome-python-canvas pygtk2.0
Requires: assetml-flags
Requires: libSDL_mixer1.2

GCompris / I Have Understood is an educationnal game for children starting at 2.
More than 50 different activities are proposed:
* Click on the animals => learn the mouse/click usage
* Type the falling letters => learn the keyboard usage
* Falling Dices
* Falling words
* Basic algebra
* Time learning with an analog clock
* Puzzle game with famous paintings
* Drive Plane to catch clouds in increasing number
* Balance the scales
* And much more ...

The Game is included in the Main desktop menu in 'Games'.

You should install it only if you have children using this computer.

%description -l fr
GCompris / J'ai Compris est un logiciel Иducatif pour les enfants
Ю partir de 2 ans.

Plus de 50 activitИs sont proposИes :
* Cliquer sur les animaux => apprentissage du click et de la souris
* Entrer les lettres qui tombent => Apprentissage du clavier
* Les dИs qui tombent
* Les mots qui tombent
* AlgХbre simple
* Apprentissage de la lecture de l'heure sur une horloge analogique
* Puzzle avec des tableaux cИlХbres
* Pilote un avion pour attraper les nuages dans l'ordre
* Equilibre la balance
* ...

Le jeu est inclus dans les icones sous le menu Jeux.

A installer si vous avez des enfants utilisant cet ordinateur.

%package devel
Summary: Development package for gcompris
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: %version

%description devel
Development package for gcompris

%package -n assetml-voices-alphabet-da
Summary: Danish voices in Danish
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.0

%description -n assetml-voices-alphabet-da
Alphabet voices in Danish

%package -n assetml-voices-colors-da
Summary: Colors voices in Danish
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.0

%description -n assetml-voices-colors-da
Colors voices in Danish

%package -n assetml-voices-geography-da
Summary: Country name voices in Danish
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.0

%description -n assetml-voices-geography-da
Country name voices in Danish

%package -n assetml-voices-misc-da
Summary: Miscelaneous voices in Danish
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.1

%description -n assetml-voices-misc-da
Miscelaneous voices in Danish

%package -n assetml-voices-alphabet-de
Summary: Alphabet voices in German
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.0

%description -n assetml-voices-alphabet-de
Alphabet voices in German

%package -n assetml-voices-colors-de
Summary: Colors voices in German
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.0

%description -n assetml-voices-colors-de
Colors voices in German

%package -n assetml-voices-geography-de
Summary: Country name voices in German
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 0.0

%description -n assetml-voices-geography-de
Country name voices in German

%package -n assetml-voices-misc-de
Summary: Miscelaneous voices in German
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.0

%description -n assetml-voices-misc-de
Miscelaneous voices in German

%package -n assetml-voices-alphabet-en
Summary: Alphabet voices in English
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.1

%description -n assetml-voices-alphabet-en
Alphabet voices in English

%package -n assetml-voices-colors-en
Summary: Colors voices in English
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.1

%description -n assetml-voices-colors-en
Colors voices in English

%package -n assetml-voices-geography-en
Summary: Country name voices in English
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.2

%description -n assetml-voices-geography-en
Country name voices in English

%package -n assetml-voices-misc-en
Summary: Miscelaneous voices in English
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.1

%description -n assetml-voices-misc-en
Miscelaneous voices in English

%package -n assetml-voices-alphabet-es
Summary: Alphabet voices in Spanish
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.0

%description -n assetml-voices-alphabet-es
Alphabet voices in Spanish

%package -n assetml-voices-colors-es
Summary: Colors voices in Spanish
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.0

%description -n assetml-voices-colors-es
Colors voices in Spanish

%package -n assetml-voices-geography-es
Summary: Country name voices in Spanish
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.0

%description -n assetml-voices-geography-es
Country name voices in Spanish

%package -n assetml-voices-misc-es
Summary: Miscelaneous voices in Spanish
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.0

%description -n assetml-voices-misc-es
Miscelaneous voices in Spanish

%package -n assetml-voices-alphabet-fr
Summary: Alphabet voices in French
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.1

%description -n assetml-voices-alphabet-fr
Alphabet voices in French

%package -n assetml-voices-colors-fr
Summary: Colors voices in French
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.0

%description -n assetml-voices-colors-fr
Colors voices in French

%package -n assetml-voices-geography-fr
Summary: Country name voices in French
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.1

%description -n assetml-voices-geography-fr
Country name voices in French

%package -n assetml-voices-misc-fr
Summary: Miscelaneous voices in French
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.1

%description -n assetml-voices-misc-fr
Miscelaneous voices in French

%package -n assetml-voices-france-regions-fr
Summary: Voices of names of the French Regions in French
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.0

%description -n assetml-voices-france-regions-fr
Voices of names of the French Regions in French

%package -n assetml-voices-alphabet-it
Summary: Alphabet voices in Italian
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.1

%description -n assetml-voices-alphabet-it
Alphabet voices in Italian

%package -n assetml-voices-colors-it
Summary: Colors voices in Italian
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.1

%description -n assetml-voices-colors-it
Colors voices in Italian

%package -n assetml-voices-geography-it
Summary: Country name voices in Italian
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.1

%description -n assetml-voices-geography-it
Country name voices in Italian

%package -n assetml-voices-misc-it
Summary: Miscelaneous voices in Italian
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.1

%description -n assetml-voices-misc-it
Miscelaneous voices in Italian

%package -n assetml-voices-alphabet-pt
Summary: Alphabet voices in Portuguese
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.0

%description -n assetml-voices-alphabet-pt
Alphabet voices in Portuguese

%package -n assetml-voices-colors-pt
Summary: Colors voices in Portuguese
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.0

%description -n assetml-voices-colors-pt
Colors voices in Portuguese

%package -n assetml-voices-geography-pt
Summary: Country name voices in Portuguese
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.1

%description -n assetml-voices-geography-pt
Country name voices in Portuguese

%package -n assetml-voices-misc-pt
Summary: Miscelaneous voices in Portuguese
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.1

%description -n assetml-voices-misc-pt
Miscelaneous voices in Portuguese

%package -n assetml-voices-alphabet-ru
Summary: Alphabet voices in Russian
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.0

%description -n assetml-voices-alphabet-ru
Alphabet voices in Russian

%package -n assetml-voices-colors-ru
Summary: Colors voices in Russian
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.0

%description -n assetml-voices-colors-ru
Colors voices in Russian

%package -n assetml-voices-geography-ru
Summary: Country name voices in Russian
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.0

%description -n assetml-voices-geography-ru
Country name voices in Russian

%package -n assetml-voices-misc-ru
Summary: Miscelaneous voices in Russian
Group: Amusements/Games
Version: 1.0

%description -n assetml-voices-misc-ru
Miscelaneous voices in Russian

%package -n assetml-flags
Summary: Contains png 60x40 country flags and an assetml description file
Group: Pixmaps
Version: 1.7

%description -n assetml-flags
Contains png 60x40 country flags and an assetml description file

%setup -q




%install_info %name.info


%uninstall_info %name.info


%dir %_libdir/%name/

%dir %prefix/share/gcompris
%dir %prefix/share/gcompris/boards
%dir %prefix/share/gcompris/boards/skins
%dir %prefix/share/gcompris/boards/sounds
%dir %prefix/share/gcompris/python

%files devel
%dir %_includedir/libgcompris-1.0/libgcompris
%dir %_libdir

%files -n assetml-voices-alphabet-da
%files -n assetml-voices-colors-da
%files -n assetml-voices-geography-da
%files -n assetml-voices-misc-da
%files -n assetml-voices-alphabet-de
%files -n assetml-voices-colors-de
%files -n assetml-voices-geography-de
%files -n assetml-voices-misc-de
%files -n assetml-voices-alphabet-en
%files -n assetml-voices-colors-en
%files -n assetml-voices-geography-en
%files -n assetml-voices-misc-en
%files -n assetml-voices-alphabet-es
%files -n assetml-voices-colors-es
%files -n assetml-voices-geography-es
%files -n assetml-voices-misc-es
%files -n assetml-voices-alphabet-fr
%files -n assetml-voices-colors-fr
%files -n assetml-voices-geography-fr
%files -n assetml-voices-misc-fr
%files -n assetml-voices-france-regions-fr
%files -n assetml-voices-alphabet-it
%files -n assetml-voices-colors-it
%files -n assetml-voices-geography-it
%files -n assetml-voices-misc-it
%files -n assetml-voices-alphabet-pt
%files -n assetml-voices-colors-pt
%files -n assetml-voices-geography-pt
%files -n assetml-voices-misc-pt
%files -n assetml-voices-alphabet-ru
%files -n assetml-voices-colors-ru
%files -n assetml-voices-geography-ru
%files -n assetml-voices-misc-ru
%files -n assetml-flags

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