[sisyphus] u: apache-1.3.28rusPL30.18-alt2
Michael Shigorin
Чт Сен 4 23:15:26 MSD 2003
В /i/S/BTE направлена сборка apache-1.3.28rusPL30.18-alt2.
--- apache: "fixes & cleanups"
* Wed Sep 03 2003 Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux.ru> 1.3.28rusPL30.18-alt2
- please see changelog for 1.3.28rusPL30.18-alt1
as more important changes are there
- commented out AddModule mod_charset.c in default config (#2941)
(in fact, "CharsetDisable On" already keeps it off, but server
tag would still mention RA and confuse some curious users)
- moved (thanks to pilot@ for notice):
* /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd and /usr/sbin/apachectl
from apache-common to apache
* /usr/sbin/apachectl-perl
from apache-common to apache-mod_perl
- /var/log/httpd permissions changed (#2920)
from 3770,root,apache
to 750,root,webmaster
- /var/cache/httpd permissions changed (#2921)
from 750,apache_user,webmaster
to 2770,root,apache
- apache.logrotate cleanup/fix:
* changed "service httpd reload" to use condreload
* changed create mode from 0664 root.apache to 0644 root.apache
- httpd.init.Sisyphus now checks for some situations involving httpd-perl
when silent breakage could occur and issues warnings (#2928)
- spec cleanup:
* switched Url from http://apache.lexa.ru to http://httpd.apache.org:
focus isn't on RA anymore (left in index.shtml.ru* though)
* s|%_var/cache|%_cachedir|g and similar macro updates
(ALM2.2 compatible)
* removed osolete comment-outs:
+ 1.3.23's mod_proxy dance
+ specific treatment of mod_include (generic by now)
+ Obsoletes: secureweb-devel from devel subpackage
На данный момент закрыты все записи в BTS, не являющиеся
запросами на улучшения.
Сборка работает на linux.kiev.ua / linux.org.ua (с php-mmcache),
pere.slovnyk.org.ua, xms.com.ua; проверена работа
apache-mod_perl, mod_php, mod_ruby.
PS: возможно, за осень-зиму стоит обсудить пару-тройку вещей:
- RA (сейчас включен, но выключен);
- apache2 и фреймворк под виртуальный хостинг;
- web packaging policy. Возможно, в версиях 1.3 и 2.0.
---- WBR, Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux.ru>
------ Linux.Kiev http://www.linux.kiev.ua/
----------- следующая часть -----------
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