[sisyphus] gswitchit

Alexandre Prokoudine =?iso-8859-1?q?avp_=CE=C1_altlinux=2Eru?=
Вт Май 13 18:06:40 MSD 2003

Serhiy Brytskyy пишет:

> Здраствуйте
> Заметил одну интересную особенность gswitchit (2.0.3). 

Эта версия официально признана Сергеем содержащей ошибки.


With my deepest regret, I have to inform everyone that releases of 2.0.3
of GSwitchIt and 0.7 libxklavier contained one showstopper bug. In order
to fix it, I released new versions, 2.0.31 and 0.71 correspondingly. 

Everyone is highly encouraged to update (and report any further bugs).

Also, Serbian users get their native translation of the UI.

Alexandre Prokoudine
ALT Linux Documentation Team
JabberID: avp на altlinux.org

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