[sisyphus] Проблема при обновлении

CityHawk =?iso-8859-1?q?CityHawk_=CE=C1_mail=2Eru?=
Сб Янв 11 03:04:44 MSK 2003

Обновляюсь с сизифа (25.11) до беты Мастера

[root на localhost root]# apt-get dist-upgrade
Reading Package Lists... Done
Collecting File Provides... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Calculating Upgrade... Done
The following packages will be upgraded
  Eterm GConf2 MySQL-bench MySQL-client MySQL-server NVIDIA_GLX SysVinit X-Downloader abuse_sdl alt-gpgkeys
  anacron apmd app-defaults arts aterm autoconf_2.5 autofs bonobo bonobo-activation bootloader-pictures
  bootloader-utils bzflag cdda2wav cdrecord chkfontpath chrooted coreutils cpp3.2 csmash cups cups-common
  design-graphics docbook-dtds dosemu drakxtools drakxtools-newt emacs-X11 emacs-common emacs-leim emacs-nox
  emacsen-startscripts etcskel ffmpeg ffmpeg-devel filesystem foobillard foomatic gabber gcc-common gcc3.2
  gcc3.2-c++ gedit gettext gettext-tools ghostscript ghostscript-common ghostscript-module-X
  ghostscript-utils ghostscript-utils-pup gkrellm glib2 gnome-pilot gnome-settings gnome-vfs gnome-vfs2
  gnumeric gnupg gqview gtkhtml ifmail initscripts ipchains iptables jadetex jed jed-common kde-i18n-ru
  kdebase-smbclient-rw kdenetwork kdenetwork-kdict kdenetwork-kfile kdenetwork-kget
  kdenetwork-kgpgcertmanager kdenetwork-kit kdenetwork-kmail kdenetwork-kmailcvt kdenetwork-knewsticker
  kdenetwork-knode kdenetwork-korn kdenetwork-kpf kdenetwork-kppp kdenetwork-krdc kdenetwork-krfb
  kdenetwork-ksirc kdenetwork-ktalkd kdenetwork-kxmlrpcd kdenetwork-libs kdenetwork-lisa kdepim
  kdepim-kaddressbook kdepim-kandy kdepim-kaplan kdepim-karm kdepim-kfile kdepim-knotes kdepim-korganizer
  kdepim-kpilot kdepim-ksync kdepim-libs kdesdk kdesdk-cervisia kdesdk-gimp kdesdk-kapptemplate kdesdk-kbabel
  kdesdk-kbugbuster kdesdk-kfile kdesdk-kmtrace kdesdk-kompare kdesdk-kspy kdesdk-misc kdetoys
  kernel24-headers kkbswitch krusader ladspa_sdk lame lbreakout2 libGConf2 libImageMagick libMySQL
  libMySQL-devel libacl liballegro libalsa2 libalsa2-devel libart_lgpl libart_lgpl-devel libatk libattr
  libbonobo libbonobo-activation libbonoboui libcapplet libcups libeel2 libefs libefs-utils libffmpeg libgail
  libgal libgcc3.2 libgda libgnome libgnome-pilot libgnome-vfs libgnomecanvas libgnomeprint2 libgnomeprintui
  libgnomeui libgtk+2 libgtkhtml libhermes libintl2 liblame libncurses libncurses-devel libnoteedit libpango
  libreadline libreiserfs libruby libsasl libscrollkeeper libslang libsndfile libssl libssl-devel
  libstdc++3.2 libstdc++3.2-devel libtinfo libtinfo-devel libucd-snmp libutempter libwrap libxml2 liquidwar
  lyx-gost-koi8-r man-pages-de man-pages-fr menu-icons-crystalmdk mkisofs noteedit openssl pcmcia-cs perl
  perl-Compress-Zlib perl-GTK perl-GTK-GdkImlib perl-GTK-Glade perl-GTK-Gnome perl-Storable
  perl-Term-Readline-Gnu perl-URI perl-base perl-devel php-imap plib plib-devel psi psmisc qt3-doc quanta
  reiserfs-utils rootfiles ruby ruby-stdlibs rxvt screen scrollkeeper sendmail-common setup slocate stmpclean
  terminfo termutils termutils-devel ucd-snmp ucd-snmp-utils urw-fonts wmf-fonts wmsetbg wmusic xfig xinetd
  xml-utils xosview xpdf xterm
The following packages will be REPLACED:
  Xaw3d (by libXaw3d)  compat-cpp (by cpp2.95)  compat-gcc (by gcc2.95)  compat-gcc-g77 (by gcc2.95-g77)  cpp
  (by cpp2.96)  fwhois (by whois)  gd-utils (by gd1-utils)  ggv (by ggv2)  gtk-engines (by
  gtk-engines-default)  jargon-dict (by dict-jargon)  libgd (by libgd1)  libobjc (by libobjc2.96)  libstdc++
  (by libstdc++2.96)  libstdc++-devel (by libstdc++2.96-devel)  links (by links1)  man-pages-ru-CP1251 (by
  man-pages-ru)  man-pages-ru-KOI8-R (by man-pages-ru)  mtree-sec (by osec)  mueller7-dict (by
  dict-mueller7-utf8)  wxPython (by wxPythonGTK)
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  cpp2.95 cpp2.96 dict-jargon dict-mueller7-utf8 emacs-speedbar gcc2.95 gcc2.95-g77 gd1-utils ggv2
  gtk-engines-default gtk-engines-metal gtk-engines-pixmap gtk-engines-redmond95 libXaw3d libgd1 libkrb5
  libobjc2.96 libstdc++2.96 libstdc++2.96-devel links1 man-pages-ru osec perl-GD1 tetex-core whois
238 packages upgraded, 26 newly installed, 20 replaced, 0 removed and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 0B/220MB of archives. After unpacking 90,6MB will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
Executing RPM (/bin/rpm -Uvh --fancypercent --oldpackage)...
Preparing...                 ########################################################################## [100%]

file /usr/bin/gij from install of gcc-common-1.2.1-alt2 conflicts with file from package libgcj-2.96-ipl5mdk

E: Sub-process /bin/rpm returned an error code (10)

[root на localhost root]#

Как лечить, может кто знает...
Заранее спасибо
Best regards...
SuchkovEA (a.k.a. CityHawk)
--- ICQ UIN #177787156 ---

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