[sisyphus] Re: gdk_selection.c:sanitize_ctext is broken in 1.2.9 (fwd)
Vlad Harchev
Пт Мар 16 12:36:05 MSK 2001
Добрый день!
Алексей, как Вы оцениваете этот патч? Стоит ли Овену его коммитить или могут
быть какие-нить проблемы?
Best regards,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 15 Mar 2001 14:13:06 -0500
From: Owen Taylor <otaylor на redhat.com>
Cc: hvv на hippo.ru
To: gtk-devel-list на gnome.org
Subject: Re: gdk_selection.c:sanitize_ctext is broken in 1.2.9
User-Agent: Gnus/5.0807 (Gnus v5.8.7) Emacs/20.7
Vlad Harchev <hvv на hippo.ru> writes:
> On 13 Mar 2001, Owen Taylor wrote:
> > OK, looking again at the Xlib code and the CTEXT spec, it appears that
> > the CTEXT spec was at some point extended to accomodate this (section
> > 6) but the initial section that describes what characters are allowed
> > was never updated :-(.
> >
> > Unfortunately, according to the spec, anything is allowed in an
> > extended segment, including all of C0 and C1, so probably we need to
> > add explicit recognition of extended segments to sanitize_ctext().
> Thanks you for this.
> I want to add that I just tried gtk+-1.2.9 and found that I can't cut and
> paste russian to/from any gtk widget due to brokeness of sanitize_ctext! That
> hackish patch fixes the problem. So the problem should be definitely fixed!
Patch appended fixes cut-and-paste of Russian for me.
> Also small addition: by the "old XFree servers" ANY XFree with version <=
> 4.0.1 was ment in my mail.
I dont' understand what you meant by this. Are there problems that occcur
with old XFree86 libraries (server is irrelevant) that don't occur with
current XFree86 libraries?
Index: gdkselection.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/gtk+/gdk/Attic/gdkselection.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.6.2.6 gdkselection.c
--- gdkselection.c 2001/02/22 20:38:12
+++ gdkselection.c 2001/03/15 19:09:51
@@ -208,16 +208,40 @@
gchar *result = g_malloc (*length + 1);
gint out_length = 0;
gint i;
+ const guchar *ustr = (const guchar *)str;
for (i=0; i < *length; i++)
- guchar c = ((guchar *)str)[i];
+ guchar c = ustr[i];
if (c == '\r')
result[out_length++] = '\n';
- if (i + 1 < *length && str[i + 1] == '\n')
+ if (i + 1 < *length && ustr[i + 1] == '\n')
+ }
+ else if (c == 27 /* ESC */)
+ {
+ /* Check for "extended segments, which can contain arbitrary
+ * octets. See CTEXT spec, section 6.
+ */
+ if (i + 5 < *length &&
+ ustr[i + 1] == '%' &&
+ ustr[i + 2] == '/' &&
+ (ustr[i + 3] >= 48 && ustr[i + 3] <= 52) &&
+ ustr[i + 4] >= 128 &&
+ ustr[i + 5] >= 128)
+ {
+ int extra_len = 6 + (ustr[i + 4] - 128) * 128 + ustr[i + 5] - 128;
+ extra_len = MAX (extra_len, *length - i);
+ memcpy (result + out_length, ustr + i, extra_len);
+ out_length += extra_len;
+ i += extra_len - 1;
+ }
+ else
+ result[out_length++] = c;
else if (c == '\n' || c == '\t' || c == 27 /* ESC */ ||
(c >= 32 && c <= 127) || /* GL */
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