[Sisyphus-mipsel-reports] [#66555] p9_mipsel DONE (try 2) srpm=tracker-2.2.2-alt1.src.rpm srpm=libcdr-0.1.5-alt1.src.rpm ...

Girar pender robot pender at gyle-secondary.office.basealt.ru
Tue Jul 13 10:28:21 MSK 2021


2021-Jul-13 07:14:50 :: task #66555 for p9_mipsel resumed by recycler:
#100 build tracker-2.2.2-alt1.src.rpm
#200 build libcdr-0.1.5-alt1.src.rpm
#300 build libical-3.0.6-alt1.src.rpm
#400 build libmspub-0.1.4-alt1.src.rpm
#500 build libharfbuzz-2.6.2-alt1.src.rpm
#600 build libvisio-0.1.7-alt1.src.rpm
#700 build libqxp-0.0.1-alt2.src.rpm
#1000 build libzmf-0.0.1-alt1.src.rpm
2021-Jul-13 07:17:43 :: created build repo
2021-Jul-13 07:17:47 :: [mipsel] #100 tracker-2.2.2-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2021-Jul-13 07:18:45 :: [mipsel] tracker-2.2.2-alt1.src.rpm: remote: no need to rebuild
2021-Jul-13 07:18:45 :: [mipsel] #100 tracker-2.2.2-alt1.src.rpm: build OK
2021-Jul-13 07:18:45 :: [mipsel] #200 libcdr-0.1.5-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2021-Jul-13 07:19:14 :: [mipsel] libcdr-0.1.5-alt1.src.rpm: remote: no need to rebuild
2021-Jul-13 07:19:14 :: [mipsel] #200 libcdr-0.1.5-alt1.src.rpm: build OK
2021-Jul-13 07:19:14 :: [mipsel] #300 libical-3.0.6-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2021-Jul-13 07:19:43 :: [mipsel] libical-3.0.6-alt1.src.rpm: remote: no need to rebuild
2021-Jul-13 07:19:43 :: [mipsel] #300 libical-3.0.6-alt1.src.rpm: build OK
2021-Jul-13 07:19:43 :: [mipsel] #400 libmspub-0.1.4-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2021-Jul-13 07:20:12 :: [mipsel] libmspub-0.1.4-alt1.src.rpm: remote: no need to rebuild
2021-Jul-13 07:20:12 :: [mipsel] #400 libmspub-0.1.4-alt1.src.rpm: build OK
2021-Jul-13 07:20:12 :: [mipsel] #500 libharfbuzz-2.6.2-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2021-Jul-13 07:20:41 :: [mipsel] libharfbuzz-2.6.2-alt1.src.rpm: remote: no need to rebuild
2021-Jul-13 07:20:42 :: [mipsel] #500 libharfbuzz-2.6.2-alt1.src.rpm: build OK
2021-Jul-13 07:20:42 :: [mipsel] #600 libvisio-0.1.7-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2021-Jul-13 07:21:12 :: [mipsel] libvisio-0.1.7-alt1.src.rpm: remote: no need to rebuild
2021-Jul-13 07:21:12 :: [mipsel] #600 libvisio-0.1.7-alt1.src.rpm: build OK
2021-Jul-13 07:21:12 :: [mipsel] #700 libqxp-0.0.1-alt2.src.rpm: build start
2021-Jul-13 07:21:39 :: [mipsel] libqxp-0.0.1-alt2.src.rpm: remote: no need to rebuild
2021-Jul-13 07:21:40 :: [mipsel] #700 libqxp-0.0.1-alt2.src.rpm: build OK
2021-Jul-13 07:21:40 :: [mipsel] #1000 libzmf-0.0.1-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2021-Jul-13 07:22:08 :: [mipsel] libzmf-0.0.1-alt1.src.rpm: remote: no need to rebuild
2021-Jul-13 07:22:08 :: [mipsel] #1000 libzmf-0.0.1-alt1.src.rpm: build OK
mipsel/srpm/tracker-2.2.2-alt1.src.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: GPLv2+
mipsel/rpms/libtracker-gir-devel-2.2.2-alt1.noarch.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: GPLv2+
mipsel/rpms/libtracker-debuginfo-2.2.2-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: GPLv2+
mipsel/rpms/libtracker-gir-2.2.2-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: GPLv2+
mipsel/rpms/tracker-utils-2.2.2-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: GPLv2+
mipsel/rpms/tracker-devel-2.2.2-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: LGPLv2.1+
mipsel/rpms/tracker-2.2.2-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: GPLv2+
mipsel/rpms/tracker-debuginfo-2.2.2-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: GPLv2+
mipsel/rpms/libtracker-2.2.2-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: GPLv2+
mipsel/rpms/tracker-utils-debuginfo-2.2.2-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: GPLv2+
2021-Jul-13 07:22:10 :: #100: tracker-2.2.2-alt1.src.rpm: build check OK
mipsel/srpm/libcdr-0.1.5-alt1.src.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MPL-2.0
mipsel/rpms/libcdr-0.1.5-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MPL-2.0
mipsel/rpms/libcdr-devel-0.1.5-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MPL-2.0
mipsel/rpms/libcdr-doc-0.1.5-alt1.noarch.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MPL-2.0
mipsel/rpms/libcdr-tools-0.1.5-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MPL-2.0
mipsel/rpms/libcdr-tools-debuginfo-0.1.5-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MPL-2.0
mipsel/rpms/libcdr-debuginfo-0.1.5-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MPL-2.0
libcdr-0.1.5-alt1.mipsel.rpm: changelog name (shaba@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libcdr-devel-0.1.5-alt1.mipsel.rpm: changelog name (shaba@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libcdr-doc-0.1.5-alt1.noarch.rpm: changelog name (shaba@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libcdr-tools-0.1.5-alt1.mipsel.rpm: changelog name (shaba@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libcdr-tools-debuginfo-0.1.5-alt1.mipsel.rpm: changelog name (shaba@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libcdr-debuginfo-0.1.5-alt1.mipsel.rpm: changelog name (shaba@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libcdr-0.1.5-alt1.src.rpm: changelog name (shaba@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
warning: package `libcdr' version `0.1.5-alt1' was already built from a different source: `srpm:490e022023daf61dc068f75efd015a66a68bc37d'
warning: package `libcdr' version `0.1.5-alt1' was already built from a different source: `srpm:490e022023daf61dc068f75efd015a66a68bc37d'
warning: package `libcdr' version `0.1.5-alt1' was already built from a different source: `srpm:766fa7732150247a084a83827c2eb87d7dde5825'
warning: package `libcdr' version `0.1.5-alt1' was already built from a different source: `srpm:490e022023daf61dc068f75efd015a66a68bc37d'
warning: package `libcdr' version `0.1.5-alt1' was already built from a different source: `srpm:66fb5b314e2c04215fb97b06bb4f90141df34cce'
2021-Jul-13 07:22:12 :: #200: libcdr-0.1.5-alt1.src.rpm: build check OK
mipsel/srpm/libical-3.0.6-alt1.src.rpm: bad symbols in the license tag: /
mipsel/rpms/libical-glib-devel-3.0.6-alt1.mipsel.rpm: bad symbols in the license tag: /
mipsel/rpms/libical-debuginfo-3.0.6-alt1.mipsel.rpm: bad symbols in the license tag: /
mipsel/rpms/libical-3.0.6-alt1.mipsel.rpm: bad symbols in the license tag: /
mipsel/rpms/libical-glib-devel-doc-3.0.6-alt1.noarch.rpm: bad symbols in the license tag: /
mipsel/rpms/libical-glib-gir-3.0.6-alt1.mipsel.rpm: bad symbols in the license tag: /
mipsel/rpms/libical-gir-devel-3.0.6-alt1.noarch.rpm: bad symbols in the license tag: /
mipsel/rpms/libical-glib-gir-devel-3.0.6-alt1.noarch.rpm: bad symbols in the license tag: /
mipsel/rpms/libical-glib-3.0.6-alt1.mipsel.rpm: bad symbols in the license tag: /
mipsel/rpms/libical-gir-3.0.6-alt1.mipsel.rpm: bad symbols in the license tag: /
mipsel/rpms/libical-glib-debuginfo-3.0.6-alt1.mipsel.rpm: bad symbols in the license tag: /
mipsel/rpms/libical-devel-3.0.6-alt1.mipsel.rpm: bad symbols in the license tag: /
2021-Jul-13 07:22:15 :: #300: libical-3.0.6-alt1.src.rpm: build check OK
mipsel/srpm/libmspub-0.1.4-alt1.src.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: GPLv2+
mipsel/srpm/libmspub-0.1.4-alt1.src.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: LGPLv2+
mipsel/srpm/libmspub-0.1.4-alt1.src.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MPLv1.1
mipsel/rpms/libmspub-debuginfo-0.1.4-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: GPLv2+
mipsel/rpms/libmspub-debuginfo-0.1.4-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: LGPLv2+
mipsel/rpms/libmspub-debuginfo-0.1.4-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MPLv1.1
mipsel/rpms/libmspub-0.1.4-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: GPLv2+
mipsel/rpms/libmspub-0.1.4-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: LGPLv2+
mipsel/rpms/libmspub-0.1.4-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MPLv1.1
mipsel/rpms/libmspub-doc-0.1.4-alt1.noarch.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: GPLv2+
mipsel/rpms/libmspub-doc-0.1.4-alt1.noarch.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: LGPLv2+
mipsel/rpms/libmspub-doc-0.1.4-alt1.noarch.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MPLv1.1
mipsel/rpms/libmspub-tools-0.1.4-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: GPLv2+
mipsel/rpms/libmspub-tools-0.1.4-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: LGPLv2+
mipsel/rpms/libmspub-tools-0.1.4-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MPLv1.1
mipsel/rpms/libmspub-tools-debuginfo-0.1.4-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: GPLv2+
mipsel/rpms/libmspub-tools-debuginfo-0.1.4-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: LGPLv2+
mipsel/rpms/libmspub-tools-debuginfo-0.1.4-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MPLv1.1
mipsel/rpms/libmspub-devel-0.1.4-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: GPLv2+
mipsel/rpms/libmspub-devel-0.1.4-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: LGPLv2+
mipsel/rpms/libmspub-devel-0.1.4-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MPLv1.1
libmspub-debuginfo-0.1.4-alt1.mipsel.rpm: changelog name (shaba@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libmspub-0.1.4-alt1.mipsel.rpm: changelog name (shaba@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libmspub-doc-0.1.4-alt1.noarch.rpm: changelog name (shaba@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libmspub-tools-0.1.4-alt1.mipsel.rpm: changelog name (shaba@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libmspub-tools-debuginfo-0.1.4-alt1.mipsel.rpm: changelog name (shaba@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libmspub-devel-0.1.4-alt1.mipsel.rpm: changelog name (shaba@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libmspub-0.1.4-alt1.src.rpm: changelog name (shaba@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
warning: package `libmspub' version `0.1.4-alt1' was already built from a different source: `srpm:e4a9290776f770cad72f6a9a88492ff9694d77f3'
warning: package `libmspub' version `0.1.4-alt1' was already built from a different source: `srpm:e4a9290776f770cad72f6a9a88492ff9694d77f3'
warning: package `libmspub' version `0.1.4-alt1' was already built from a different source: `srpm:ed78d5e6dce2022dc80478df1b97bf68f37c3081'
warning: package `libmspub' version `0.1.4-alt1' was already built from a different source: `srpm:41b1bd5ffdcf6def0bb1b51673b3f7bc8183022a'
warning: package `libmspub' version `0.1.4-alt1' was already built from a different source: `srpm:e4a9290776f770cad72f6a9a88492ff9694d77f3'
warning: package `libmspub' version `0.1.4-alt1' was already built from a different source: `srpm:e8a712bec539739385d5baa639846165b3abdf96'
warning: package `libmspub' version `0.1.4-alt1' was already built from a different source: `srpm:9cf796e34fc3b79954588c189a6635ba1930e402'
2021-Jul-13 07:22:16 :: #400: libmspub-0.1.4-alt1.src.rpm: build check OK
mipsel/srpm/libharfbuzz-2.6.2-alt1.src.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MIT
mipsel/rpms/libharfbuzz-debuginfo-2.6.2-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MIT
mipsel/rpms/libharfbuzz-icu-2.6.2-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MIT
mipsel/rpms/libharfbuzz-devel-2.6.2-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MIT
mipsel/rpms/libharfbuzz-utils-2.6.2-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MIT
mipsel/rpms/libharfbuzz-icu-debuginfo-2.6.2-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MIT
mipsel/rpms/libharfbuzz-2.6.2-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MIT
mipsel/rpms/libharfbuzz-utils-debuginfo-2.6.2-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MIT
mipsel/rpms/libharfbuzz-devel-doc-2.6.2-alt1.noarch.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MIT
2021-Jul-13 07:22:18 :: #500: libharfbuzz-2.6.2-alt1.src.rpm: build check OK
mipsel/srpm/libvisio-0.1.7-alt1.src.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MPLv2
mipsel/rpms/libvisio-tools-debuginfo-0.1.7-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MPLv2
mipsel/rpms/libvisio-doc-0.1.7-alt1.noarch.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MPLv2
mipsel/rpms/libvisio-tools-0.1.7-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MPLv2
mipsel/rpms/libvisio-devel-0.1.7-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MPLv2
mipsel/rpms/libvisio-0.1.7-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MPLv2
mipsel/rpms/libvisio-debuginfo-0.1.7-alt1.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MPLv2
libvisio-tools-debuginfo-0.1.7-alt1.mipsel.rpm: changelog name (shaba@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libvisio-doc-0.1.7-alt1.noarch.rpm: changelog name (shaba@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libvisio-tools-0.1.7-alt1.mipsel.rpm: changelog name (shaba@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libvisio-devel-0.1.7-alt1.mipsel.rpm: changelog name (shaba@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libvisio-0.1.7-alt1.mipsel.rpm: changelog name (shaba@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libvisio-debuginfo-0.1.7-alt1.mipsel.rpm: changelog name (shaba@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libvisio-0.1.7-alt1.src.rpm: changelog name (shaba@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
warning: package `libvisio' version `0.1.7-alt1' was already built from a different source: `srpm:51a4e6bd5e66ea40a572b95dc4588607724d1082'
warning: package `libvisio' version `0.1.7-alt1' was already built from a different source: `srpm:51a4e6bd5e66ea40a572b95dc4588607724d1082'
warning: package `libvisio' version `0.1.7-alt1' was already built from a different source: `srpm:93c2e44c950116f4538f2beac8cdb68c10638d8e'
warning: package `libvisio' version `0.1.7-alt1' was already built from a different source: `srpm:244d939a657b5fffddbedd0bc3e69e478c38d1d7'
warning: package `libvisio' version `0.1.7-alt1' was already built from a different source: `srpm:15536f74501aba9614eb3be6de1761bd86b394f5'
warning: package `libvisio' version `0.1.7-alt1' was already built from a different source: `srpm:893687f8e332a3f8a7f608b9c1fbe5317ac97ce2'
warning: package `libvisio' version `0.1.7-alt1' was already built from a different source: `srpm:d68b4f87e5265e41c86559cc6791f1d0109c4f08'
warning: package `libvisio' version `0.1.7-alt1' was already built from a different source: `srpm:a6bc178aec0b216e275ba8a0a5b5ad6764ef87d8'
2021-Jul-13 07:22:20 :: #600: libvisio-0.1.7-alt1.src.rpm: build check OK
mipsel/srpm/libqxp-0.0.1-alt2.src.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MPLv2.0
mipsel/rpms/libqxp-tools-0.0.1-alt2.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MPLv2.0
mipsel/rpms/libqxp-devel-0.0.1-alt2.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MPLv2.0
mipsel/rpms/libqxp-0.0.1-alt2.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MPLv2.0
mipsel/rpms/libqxp-tools-debuginfo-0.0.1-alt2.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MPLv2.0
mipsel/rpms/libqxp-debuginfo-0.0.1-alt2.mipsel.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MPLv2.0
mipsel/rpms/libqxp-doc-0.0.1-alt2.noarch.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: MPLv2.0
libqxp-tools-0.0.1-alt2.mipsel.rpm: changelog name (sbolshakov@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libqxp-devel-0.0.1-alt2.mipsel.rpm: changelog name (sbolshakov@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libqxp-0.0.1-alt2.mipsel.rpm: changelog name (sbolshakov@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libqxp-tools-debuginfo-0.0.1-alt2.mipsel.rpm: changelog name (sbolshakov@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libqxp-debuginfo-0.0.1-alt2.mipsel.rpm: changelog name (sbolshakov@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libqxp-doc-0.0.1-alt2.noarch.rpm: changelog name (sbolshakov@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libqxp-0.0.1-alt2.src.rpm: changelog name (sbolshakov@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
warning: package `libqxp' version `0.0.1-alt2' was already built from a different source: `srpm:940e7e72a3094a143864b4298f4b4db5c322e499'
warning: package `libqxp' version `0.0.1-alt2' was already built from a different source: `srpm:940e7e72a3094a143864b4298f4b4db5c322e499'
warning: package `libqxp' version `0.0.1-alt2' was already built from a different source: `srpm:2aac35014f91236bf2d190da1372c6434aff69fb'
warning: package `libqxp' version `0.0.1-alt2' was already built from a different source: `srpm:efcba02f5a31b6b9cecfa3e1d92016870bc3e650'
warning: package `libqxp' version `0.0.1-alt2' was already built from a different source: `srpm:940e7e72a3094a143864b4298f4b4db5c322e499'
warning: package `libqxp' version `0.0.1-alt2' was already built from a different source: `srpm:39fc9760f5ab101d32536f7090f941e0f0e1fbae'
warning: package `libqxp' version `0.0.1-alt2' was already built from a different source: `srpm:5bd4fcbfdd8252d2da442f01bd48a95d5b4d036b'
2021-Jul-13 07:22:22 :: #700: libqxp-0.0.1-alt2.src.rpm: build check OK
libzmf-devel-0.0.1-alt1.mipsel.rpm: changelog name (glebfm@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libzmf-0.0.1-alt1.mipsel.rpm: changelog name (glebfm@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libzmf-doc-0.0.1-alt1.noarch.rpm: changelog name (glebfm@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libzmf-tools-debuginfo-0.0.1-alt1.mipsel.rpm: changelog name (glebfm@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libzmf-tools-0.0.1-alt1.mipsel.rpm: changelog name (glebfm@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libzmf-debuginfo-0.0.1-alt1.mipsel.rpm: changelog name (glebfm@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
libzmf-0.0.1-alt1.src.rpm: changelog name (glebfm@) does not match expected name (alt_p9@)
warning: package `libzmf' version `0.0.1-alt1' was already built from a different source: `srpm:e380d8680547e36746c8d418996e1222350b50c6'
warning: package `libzmf' version `0.0.1-alt1' was already built from a different source: `srpm:e380d8680547e36746c8d418996e1222350b50c6'
warning: package `libzmf' version `0.0.1-alt1' was already built from a different source: `srpm:08fa56afc17dcf414fda447e1e8063b26c9d5071'
warning: package `libzmf' version `0.0.1-alt1' was already built from a different source: `srpm:e6c19f7f405d06010f987ea0a601c2fa1783709c'
warning: package `libzmf' version `0.0.1-alt1' was already built from a different source: `srpm:e380d8680547e36746c8d418996e1222350b50c6'
warning: package `libzmf' version `0.0.1-alt1' was already built from a different source: `srpm:5613349baedb27739518e3116e04f26d2e376d1e'
warning: package `libzmf' version `0.0.1-alt1' was already built from a different source: `srpm:b51d2414111880b874dcb71901503de66160a548'
warning: package `libzmf' version `0.0.1-alt1' was already built from a different source: `srpm:4952d01f98afdeeda51eab8ebe9d1e248afc8f35'
2021-Jul-13 07:22:23 :: #1000: libzmf-0.0.1-alt1.src.rpm: build check OK
2021-Jul-13 07:22:23 :: build check OK
2021-Jul-13 07:22:24 :: noarch check OK
2021-Jul-13 07:22:24 :: plan: src +8 -8 =10476, mipsel +48 -48 =17997, noarch +10 -10 =12825
2021-Jul-13 07:22:24 :: version check OK
2021-Jul-13 07:23:29 :: generated apt indices
2021-Jul-13 07:23:29 :: created next repo
2021-Jul-13 07:23:36 :: dependencies check OK
2021-Jul-13 07:23:37 :: [mipsel] no need to repeat ELF symbols check
2021-Jul-13 07:23:37 :: [mipsel] ELF symbols check OK
  <1> 2021-Jul-13 07:23:45 :: [mipsel.1] #200 libcdr: install check start
  <2> 2021-Jul-13 07:23:46 :: [mipsel] #200 libcdr-debuginfo: debuginfo install check SKIPPED
  <2> 2021-Jul-13 07:23:46 :: [mipsel.2] #200 libcdr-devel: install check start
  <3> 2021-Jul-13 07:23:47 :: [mipsel.3] #200 libcdr-doc: install check start
  <4> 2021-Jul-13 07:23:48 :: [mipsel.4] #200 libcdr-tools: install check start
  <5> 2021-Jul-13 07:23:49 :: [mipsel] #200 libcdr-tools-debuginfo: debuginfo install check SKIPPED
  <5> 2021-Jul-13 07:23:49 :: [mipsel.5] #500 libharfbuzz: install check start
  <1> 2021-Jul-13 07:24:15 :: [mipsel] #200 libcdr: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <1> 2021-Jul-13 07:24:15 :: [mipsel] #500 libharfbuzz-debuginfo: debuginfo install check SKIPPED
  <1> 2021-Jul-13 07:24:15 :: [mipsel.1] #500 libharfbuzz-devel: install check start
  <2> 2021-Jul-13 07:24:18 :: [mipsel] #200 libcdr-devel: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <2> 2021-Jul-13 07:24:18 :: [mipsel.2] #500 libharfbuzz-devel-doc: install check start
  <4> 2021-Jul-13 07:24:18 :: [mipsel] #200 libcdr-tools: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <4> 2021-Jul-13 07:24:19 :: [mipsel.4] #500 libharfbuzz-icu: install check start
  <3> 2021-Jul-13 07:24:19 :: [mipsel] #200 libcdr-doc: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <3> 2021-Jul-13 07:24:19 :: [mipsel] #500 libharfbuzz-icu-debuginfo: debuginfo install check SKIPPED
  <3> 2021-Jul-13 07:24:19 :: [mipsel.3] #500 libharfbuzz-utils: install check start
  <5> warning [mipsel]: libharfbuzz=2.6.2-alt1: circular dependencies on libfreetype=2.10.1-alt1.1.p9.1
  <5> 2021-Jul-13 07:24:21 :: [mipsel] #500 libharfbuzz: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <5> 2021-Jul-13 07:24:22 :: [mipsel] #500 libharfbuzz-utils-debuginfo: debuginfo install check SKIPPED
  <5> 2021-Jul-13 07:24:22 :: [mipsel.5] #300 libical: install check start
  <1> 	mipsel: libharfbuzz-devel=2.6.2-alt1 post-install unowned files:
  <1> /usr/lib/cmake
  <1> 2021-Jul-13 07:24:39 :: [mipsel] #500 libharfbuzz-devel: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <1> 2021-Jul-13 07:24:39 :: [mipsel] #300 libical-debuginfo: debuginfo install check SKIPPED
  <1> 2021-Jul-13 07:24:40 :: [mipsel.1] #300 libical-devel: install check start
  <4> 2021-Jul-13 07:24:41 :: [mipsel] #500 libharfbuzz-icu: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <4> 2021-Jul-13 07:24:41 :: [mipsel.4] #300 libical-gir: install check start
  <2> 	mipsel: libharfbuzz-devel-doc=2.6.2-alt1 post-install unowned files:
  <2> /usr/share/gtk-doc
  <2> /usr/share/gtk-doc/html
  <2> 2021-Jul-13 07:24:41 :: [mipsel] #500 libharfbuzz-devel-doc: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <2> 2021-Jul-13 07:24:41 :: [mipsel.2] #300 libical-gir-devel: install check start
  <3> 2021-Jul-13 07:24:43 :: [mipsel] #500 libharfbuzz-utils: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <3> 2021-Jul-13 07:24:43 :: [mipsel.3] #300 libical-glib: install check start
  <5> 2021-Jul-13 07:24:47 :: [mipsel] #300 libical: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <5> 2021-Jul-13 07:24:48 :: [mipsel] #300 libical-glib-debuginfo: debuginfo install check SKIPPED
  <5> 2021-Jul-13 07:24:48 :: [mipsel.5] #300 libical-glib-devel: install check start
  <1> 	mipsel: libical-devel=3.0.6-alt1 post-install unowned files:
  <1> /usr/lib/cmake
  <1> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:03 :: [mipsel] #300 libical-devel: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <1> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:03 :: [mipsel.1] #300 libical-glib-devel-doc: install check start
  <4> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:04 :: [mipsel] #300 libical-gir: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <4> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:04 :: [mipsel.4] #300 libical-glib-gir: install check start
  <2> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:05 :: [mipsel] #300 libical-gir-devel: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <2> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:05 :: [mipsel.2] #300 libical-glib-gir-devel: install check start
  <3> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:07 :: [mipsel] #300 libical-glib: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <3> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:07 :: [mipsel.3] #400 libmspub: install check start
  <5> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:13 :: [mipsel] #300 libical-glib-devel: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <5> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:13 :: [mipsel] #400 libmspub-debuginfo: debuginfo install check SKIPPED
  <5> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:13 :: [mipsel.5] #400 libmspub-devel: install check start
  <1> 	mipsel: libical-glib-devel-doc=3.0.6-alt1 post-install unowned files:
  <1> /usr/share/gtk-doc
  <1> /usr/share/gtk-doc/html
  <1> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:26 :: [mipsel] #300 libical-glib-devel-doc: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <1> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:26 :: [mipsel.1] #400 libmspub-doc: install check start
  <4> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:27 :: [mipsel] #300 libical-glib-gir: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <4> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:27 :: [mipsel.4] #400 libmspub-tools: install check start
  <2> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:29 :: [mipsel] #300 libical-glib-gir-devel: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <2> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:29 :: [mipsel] #400 libmspub-tools-debuginfo: debuginfo install check SKIPPED
  <2> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:29 :: [mipsel.2] #700 libqxp: install check start
  <3> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:30 :: [mipsel] #400 libmspub: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <3> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:30 :: [mipsel] #700 libqxp-debuginfo: debuginfo install check SKIPPED
  <3> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:30 :: [mipsel.3] #700 libqxp-devel: install check start
  <5> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:40 :: [mipsel] #400 libmspub-devel: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <5> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:40 :: [mipsel.5] #700 libqxp-doc: install check start
  <1> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:48 :: [mipsel] #400 libmspub-doc: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <1> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:48 :: [mipsel.1] #700 libqxp-tools: install check start
  <4> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:51 :: [mipsel] #400 libmspub-tools: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <4> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:51 :: [mipsel] #700 libqxp-tools-debuginfo: debuginfo install check SKIPPED
  <4> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:51 :: [mipsel.4] #100 libtracker: install check start
  <2> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:52 :: [mipsel] #700 libqxp: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <2> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:52 :: [mipsel] #100 libtracker-debuginfo: debuginfo install check SKIPPED
  <2> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:52 :: [mipsel.2] #100 libtracker-gir: install check start
  <3> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:53 :: [mipsel] #700 libqxp-devel: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <3> 2021-Jul-13 07:25:53 :: [mipsel.3] #100 libtracker-gir-devel: install check start
  <5> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:05 :: [mipsel] #700 libqxp-doc: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <5> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:05 :: [mipsel.5] #600 libvisio: install check start
  <1> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:11 :: [mipsel] #700 libqxp-tools: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <1> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:11 :: [mipsel] #600 libvisio-debuginfo: debuginfo install check SKIPPED
  <1> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:11 :: [mipsel.1] #600 libvisio-devel: install check start
  <4> 	mipsel: libtracker=2.2.2-alt1 post-install unowned files:
  <4> /usr/lib/tracker-2.0
  <4> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:15 :: [mipsel] #100 libtracker: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <4> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:15 :: [mipsel.4] #600 libvisio-doc: install check start
  <2> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:15 :: [mipsel] #100 libtracker-gir: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <2> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:15 :: [mipsel.2] #600 libvisio-tools: install check start
  <3> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:17 :: [mipsel] #100 libtracker-gir-devel: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <3> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:17 :: [mipsel] #600 libvisio-tools-debuginfo: debuginfo install check SKIPPED
  <3> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:17 :: [mipsel.3] #1000 libzmf: install check start
  <5> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:30 :: [mipsel] #600 libvisio: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <5> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:30 :: [mipsel] #1000 libzmf-debuginfo: debuginfo install check SKIPPED
  <5> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:30 :: [mipsel.5] #1000 libzmf-devel: install check start
  <1> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:34 :: [mipsel] #600 libvisio-devel: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <1> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:34 :: [mipsel.1] #1000 libzmf-doc: install check start
  <4> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:37 :: [mipsel] #600 libvisio-doc: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <4> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:37 :: [mipsel.4] #1000 libzmf-tools: install check start
  <2> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:39 :: [mipsel] #600 libvisio-tools: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <2> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:39 :: [mipsel] #1000 libzmf-tools-debuginfo: debuginfo install check SKIPPED
  <2> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:39 :: [mipsel.2] #100 tracker: install check start
  <3> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:42 :: [mipsel] #1000 libzmf: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <3> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:42 :: [mipsel] #100 tracker-debuginfo: debuginfo install check SKIPPED
  <3> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:42 :: [mipsel.3] #100 tracker-devel: install check start
  <5> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:54 :: [mipsel] #1000 libzmf-devel: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <5> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:55 :: [mipsel.5] #100 tracker-utils: install check start
  <1> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:56 :: [mipsel] #1000 libzmf-doc: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <1> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:56 :: [mipsel] #100 tracker-utils-debuginfo: debuginfo install check SKIPPED
  <4> 2021-Jul-13 07:26:59 :: [mipsel] #1000 libzmf-tools: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <2> 2021-Jul-13 07:27:02 :: [mipsel] #100 tracker: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <3> 2021-Jul-13 07:27:05 :: [mipsel] #100 tracker-devel: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
  <5> 2021-Jul-13 07:27:13 :: [mipsel] #100 tracker-utils: no need to repeat, install check SKIPPED
2021-Jul-13 07:27:15 :: gears inheritance check OK
2021-Jul-13 07:27:15 :: srpm inheritance check OK
girar-check-perms: access to tracker DENIED for recycler: does not belong to maintainers list yet
girar-check-perms: access to tracker ALLOWED for iv: superuser
tracker: Update approved by iv
girar-check-perms: access to libcdr DENIED for recycler: does not belong to maintainers list yet
girar-check-perms: access to libcdr ALLOWED for iv: superuser
libcdr: Update approved by iv
girar-check-perms: access to libical DENIED for recycler: does not belong to maintainers list yet
girar-check-perms: access to libical ALLOWED for iv: superuser
libical: Update approved by iv
girar-check-perms: access to libmspub DENIED for recycler: does not belong to maintainers list yet
girar-check-perms: access to libmspub ALLOWED for iv: superuser
libmspub: Update approved by iv
girar-check-perms: access to libharfbuzz DENIED for recycler: does not belong to maintainers list yet
girar-check-perms: access to libharfbuzz ALLOWED for iv: superuser
libharfbuzz: Update approved by iv
girar-check-perms: access to libvisio DENIED for recycler: does not belong to maintainers list yet
girar-check-perms: access to libvisio ALLOWED for iv: superuser
libvisio: Update approved by iv
girar-check-perms: access to libqxp DENIED for recycler: does not belong to maintainers list yet
girar-check-perms: access to libqxp ALLOWED for iv: superuser
libqxp: Update approved by iv
girar-check-perms: access to libzmf DENIED for recycler: does not belong to maintainers list yet
girar-check-perms: access to libzmf ALLOWED for iv: superuser
libzmf: Update approved by iv
2021-Jul-13 07:27:16 :: acl check OK
2021-Jul-13 07:27:42 :: created contents_index files
2021-Jul-13 07:27:45 :: created hash files: mipsel noarch src
2021-Jul-13 07:27:46 :: task #66555 for p9_mipsel TESTED
2021-Jul-13 07:27:46 :: task is ready for commit
2021-Jul-13 07:27:48 :: repo clone OK
2021-Jul-13 07:27:51 :: packages update OK
2021-Jul-13 07:27:53 :: [mipsel noarch] update OK
2021-Jul-13 07:27:54 :: repo update OK
2021-Jul-13 07:27:58 :: repo save OK
2021-Jul-13 07:28:00 :: updated /srpms/l/libcdr.git branch `p9_mipsel'
fatal: no tag exactly matches '6e33a392c53e697c932674fa6154cdee053554af'
2021-Jul-13 07:28:03 :: updated /srpms/l/libharfbuzz.git branch `p9_mipsel'
fatal: no tag exactly matches 'af988c77c95d505f7b274316de21d74ff9405653'
2021-Jul-13 07:28:05 :: updated /srpms/l/libical.git branch `p9_mipsel'
fatal: no tag exactly matches 'c5a3b58adefbcdc55ff075d083a641070e08d79c'
2021-Jul-13 07:28:08 :: updated /srpms/l/libmspub.git branch `p9_mipsel'
fatal: no tag exactly matches 'f27eb9d544fdef2a7f87d58530c9e02d16acc8e0'
2021-Jul-13 07:28:09 :: updated /srpms/l/libqxp.git branch `p9_mipsel'
fatal: no tag exactly matches '44b92791477b7c32fae2df17c0daaf4a95d2fc58'
2021-Jul-13 07:28:10 :: updated /srpms/l/libvisio.git branch `p9_mipsel'
fatal: no tag exactly matches '57c5162bdd08a940db417439c067869c61ff0246'
2021-Jul-13 07:28:11 :: updated /srpms/l/libzmf.git branch `p9_mipsel'
fatal: no tag exactly matches 'deff341156c13ff1e87cb5cbc7b1e6b08bad67cb'
2021-Jul-13 07:28:13 :: updated /srpms/t/tracker.git branch `p9_mipsel'
fatal: no tag exactly matches 'd019d6bc4fd6883226a7fc5ade3857e5fc141429'
2021-Jul-13 07:28:21 :: gears update OK
2021-Jul-13 07:28:21 :: task #66555 for p9_mipsel DONE

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