[Sisyphus-mipsel-reports] [#49068] p9_mipsel FAILED srpm=chromium-84.0.4147.105-alt1.src.rpm

Girar awaiter robot awaiter at gyle-secondary.office.basealt.ru
Sat Aug 1 09:44:08 MSK 2020


2020-Jul-31 15:25:01 :: task #49068 for p9_mipsel started by recycler:
#100 build chromium-84.0.4147.105-alt1.src.rpm
2020-Jul-31 15:25:03 :: [mipsel] #100 chromium-84.0.4147.105-alt1.src.rpm: build start
error: register allocation failed: maximum depth for recoloring reached. Use -fexhaustive-register-search to skip cutoffs
error: ran out of registers during register allocation
error: register allocation failed: maximum depth for recoloring reached. Use -fexhaustive-register-search to skip cutoffs
error: ran out of registers during register allocation
error: register allocation failed: maximum depth for recoloring reached. Use -fexhaustive-register-search to skip cutoffs
error: ran out of registers during register allocation
error: register allocation failed: maximum depth for recoloring reached. Use -fexhaustive-register-search to skip cutoffs
error: ran out of registers during register allocation
error: register allocation failed: maximum depth for recoloring reached. Use -fexhaustive-register-search to skip cutoffs
error: ran out of registers during register allocation
2020-Aug-01 06:44:05 :: [mipsel] chromium-84.0.4147.105-alt1.src.rpm: remote: build failed
2020-Aug-01 06:44:05 :: [mipsel] #100 chromium-84.0.4147.105-alt1.src.rpm: build FAILED
2020-Aug-01 06:44:06 :: [mipsel] requesting cancellation of task processing
2020-Aug-01 06:44:06 :: [mipsel] build FAILED
2020-Aug-01 06:44:06 :: task #49068 for p9_mipsel FAILED

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