[#374139] [test-only] p11 FAILED (try 2) gem-benchmark.git=0.4.0-alt1 gem-deface.git=1.9.0-alt1.1 ...

Girar awaiter (majioa) girar-builder at altlinux.org
Sun Feb 16 11:57:02 MSK 2025


subtask  name                           aarch64  i586  x86_64
    #30  gem-benchmark                       53  1:08      35
    #40  gem-deface                          41    54      28
    #60  gem-factory-bot                     40    52      27
    #70  gem-factory-bot-rails               41    32      29
    #76  gem-megatest                        43    31      33
    #77  gem-securerandom                    42    28      47
   #140  gem-redis-client                  1:05    53    1:11
   #200  foreman                           3:29  2:42    3:14
   #240  gem-rubocop-rails                   45    30      49
   #300  gem-apipie-dsl                      48    32      46
   #340  gem-theforeman-rubocop              40    35      35
   #360  gem-timeout                         43    30      40
   #400  gem-terser                          46    32      42
   #440  gem-connection-pool                 43    30      44
   #460  gem-dynflow                       1:03    47      47
   #600  gem-psych                           46    32      33
   #700  gem-minitest-reporters-github       40    26      50
   #740  gem-hoe-markdown                    42    29      54
  #1000  gem-font-awesome-sass               43    30      45
  #1100  gem-font-awesome-rails              39    26      26
  #1200  gem-foreman-templates             1:27  1:00    1:01
  #1240  gem-foreman-tasks                 1:14    51      51
  #1300  gem-foreman-remote-execution        52    35      36
  #1400  gem-foreman-discovery             1:25    59      57
  #1500  gem-foreman-ansible               1:29  1:03    1:00
  #1640  gem-rexical                         45    34      31
  #1660  gem-standard                        41    30      28
  #1670  gem-standard-performance            39    26      27
  #1700  gem-foreman-default-hostgroup       43    30      32
  #1740  gem-nokogiri                      1:34  1:04    1:11
  #2000  gem-foreman-monitoring              45    31      36
  #2100  gem-foreman-webhooks              1:26  1:00    1:04
  #2200  gem-rails                         3:15  2:27    2:16
  #2300  gem-uniform-notifier                42    31      30
  #2400  gem-pry-doc                       1:37  1:16    1:03
  #2500  railsctl                            25    17      17
  #2600  gem-rails-dom-testing               45    31      33
  #3000  gem-erubi                           41    28      30
  #3200  gem-loofah                          47    32      33
  #3300  gem-rails-html-sanitizer            45    31      32
  #3400  gem-thor                            50    34      35
  #3500  gem-sidekiq                       1:01    43      39
  #3600  gem-smart-proxy                   1:00    41      43

2025-Feb-16 07:59:28 :: test-only task #374139 for p11 resumed by majioa:
#20 removed
#30 build 0.4.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-benchmark.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 18:56:21
#40 build 1.9.0-alt1.1 from /gears/g/gem-deface.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 18:19:31 from sisyphus
#60 build 6.2.1-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-factory-bot.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 18:19:41 from sisyphus
#70 build 6.2.0-alt1.1 from /gears/g/gem-factory-bot-rails.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 18:19:46 from sisyphus
#74 removed
#76 build 0.2.0-alt0.p11.1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-megatest.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 18:29:22
#77 build 0.4.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-securerandom.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 18:46:14
#100 removed
#140 build 0.23.0-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-redis-client.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 18:21:01 from sisyphus
#200 build 3.13.0-alt2 from /gears/f/foreman.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 08:36:11 from sisyphus
#240 build 2.11.0-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-rubocop-rails.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 18:32:37 from sisyphus
#260 removed
#270 removed
#300 build from /gears/g/gem-apipie-dsl.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 15:02:08 from sisyphus
#340 build 0.1.2-alt1.1 from /gears/g/gem-theforeman-rubocop.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 18:33:04 from sisyphus
#360 build 0.4.1-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-timeout.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 19:00:46 from sisyphus
#400 build 1.2.4-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-terser.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 15:02:17 from sisyphus
#440 build 2.5.0-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-connection-pool.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 17:14:51 from sisyphus
#460 build 1.9.0-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-dynflow.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 18:20:05 from sisyphus
#500 removed
#600 build 4.0.6-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-psych.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 15:02:36 from sisyphus
#700 build 1.0.1-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-minitest-reporters-github.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 15:02:48 from sisyphus
#740 build 1.7.0-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-hoe-markdown.git fetched at 2025-Feb-16 07:51:33 from sisyphus
#1000 build 6.5.2-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-font-awesome-sass.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 15:02:57 from sisyphus
#1100 build from /gears/g/gem-font-awesome-rails.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 15:03:06 from sisyphus
#1200 build 10.0.0-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-foreman-templates.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 15:03:20 from sisyphus
#1240 build 10.0.0-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-foreman-tasks.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 17:17:01 from sisyphus
#1300 build 14.0.0-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-foreman-remote-execution.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 15:03:29 from sisyphus
#1400 build 24.0.2-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-foreman-discovery.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 15:03:40 from sisyphus
#1500 build 15.0.1-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-foreman-ansible.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 15:03:49 from sisyphus
#1600 removed
#1640 build 1.0.8-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-rexical.git fetched at 2025-Feb-16 07:54:24 from sisyphus
#1660 build 1.41.1-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-standard.git fetched at 2025-Feb-16 07:55:25 from sisyphus
#1670 build 1.5.0-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-standard-performance.git fetched at 2025-Feb-16 07:56:15 from sisyphus
#1700 build from /gears/g/gem-foreman-default-hostgroup.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 15:04:05 from sisyphus
#1740 build from /gears/g/gem-nokogiri.git fetched at 2025-Feb-16 07:53:42 from sisyphus
#2000 build 3.2.0-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-foreman-monitoring.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 15:04:15 from sisyphus
#2100 build 4.0.0-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-foreman-webhooks.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 15:04:25 from sisyphus
#2200 build from /gears/g/gem-rails.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 15:04:45 from sisyphus
#2300 build 1.16.0-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-uniform-notifier.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 15:04:57 from sisyphus
#2400 build from /gears/g/gem-pry-doc.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 15:05:10 from sisyphus
#2500 build 1.0.2-alt1 from /gears/r/railsctl.git fetched at 2025-Feb-15 15:05:18 from sisyphus
#2600 build 2.2.0-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-rails-dom-testing.git fetched at 2025-Feb-16 07:35:35 from sisyphus
#2700 removed
#3000 build 1.13.1-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-erubi.git fetched at 2025-Feb-16 07:35:53 from sisyphus
#3100 removed
#3200 build 2.24.0-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-loofah.git fetched at 2025-Feb-16 07:48:41 from sisyphus
#3300 build 1.6.2-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-rails-html-sanitizer.git fetched at 2025-Feb-16 07:49:08 from sisyphus
#3400 build 1.3.2-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-thor.git fetched at 2025-Feb-16 07:49:28 from sisyphus
#3500 build 7.3.8-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-sidekiq.git fetched at 2025-Feb-16 07:49:43 from sisyphus
#3600 build 3.13.0-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-smart-proxy.git fetched at 2025-Feb-16 07:58:04 from sisyphus
2025-Feb-16 07:59:29 :: created build repo
2025-Feb-16 07:59:30 :: [i586] #30 gem-benchmark.git 0.4.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 07:59:30 :: [aarch64] #30 gem-benchmark.git 0.4.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 07:59:30 :: [x86_64] #30 gem-benchmark.git 0.4.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:00:05 :: [x86_64] #30 gem-benchmark.git 0.4.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:00:05 :: [x86_64] #40 gem-deface.git 1.9.0-alt1.1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:00:23 :: [aarch64] #30 gem-benchmark.git 0.4.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:00:24 :: [aarch64] #40 gem-deface.git 1.9.0-alt1.1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:00:33 :: [x86_64] #40 gem-deface.git 1.9.0-alt1.1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:00:34 :: [x86_64] #60 gem-factory-bot.git 6.2.1-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:00:38 :: [i586] #30 gem-benchmark.git 0.4.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:00:38 :: [i586] #40 gem-deface.git 1.9.0-alt1.1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:01:01 :: [x86_64] #60 gem-factory-bot.git 6.2.1-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:01:01 :: [x86_64] #70 gem-factory-bot-rails.git 6.2.0-alt1.1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:01:05 :: [aarch64] #40 gem-deface.git 1.9.0-alt1.1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:01:06 :: [aarch64] #60 gem-factory-bot.git 6.2.1-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:01:30 :: [x86_64] #70 gem-factory-bot-rails.git 6.2.0-alt1.1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:01:30 :: [x86_64] #76 gem-megatest.git 0.2.0-alt0.p11.1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:01:32 :: [i586] #40 gem-deface.git 1.9.0-alt1.1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:01:33 :: [i586] #60 gem-factory-bot.git 6.2.1-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:01:46 :: [aarch64] #60 gem-factory-bot.git 6.2.1-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:01:46 :: [aarch64] #70 gem-factory-bot-rails.git 6.2.0-alt1.1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:02:03 :: [x86_64] #76 gem-megatest.git 0.2.0-alt0.p11.1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:02:03 :: [x86_64] #77 gem-securerandom.git 0.4.1-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:02:25 :: [i586] #60 gem-factory-bot.git 6.2.1-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:02:25 :: [i586] #70 gem-factory-bot-rails.git 6.2.0-alt1.1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:02:27 :: [aarch64] #70 gem-factory-bot-rails.git 6.2.0-alt1.1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:02:28 :: [aarch64] #76 gem-megatest.git 0.2.0-alt0.p11.1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:02:50 :: [x86_64] #77 gem-securerandom.git 0.4.1-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:02:50 :: [x86_64] #140 gem-redis-client.git 0.23.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:02:57 :: [i586] #70 gem-factory-bot-rails.git 6.2.0-alt1.1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:02:57 :: [i586] #76 gem-megatest.git 0.2.0-alt0.p11.1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:03:11 :: [aarch64] #76 gem-megatest.git 0.2.0-alt0.p11.1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:03:11 :: [aarch64] #77 gem-securerandom.git 0.4.1-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:03:28 :: [i586] #76 gem-megatest.git 0.2.0-alt0.p11.1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:03:28 :: [i586] #77 gem-securerandom.git 0.4.1-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:03:53 :: [aarch64] #77 gem-securerandom.git 0.4.1-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:03:53 :: [aarch64] #140 gem-redis-client.git 0.23.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:03:56 :: [i586] #77 gem-securerandom.git 0.4.1-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:03:56 :: [i586] #140 gem-redis-client.git 0.23.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:04:01 :: [x86_64] #140 gem-redis-client.git 0.23.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:04:01 :: [x86_64] #200 foreman.git 3.13.0-alt2: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:04:49 :: [i586] #140 gem-redis-client.git 0.23.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:04:50 :: [i586] #200 foreman.git 3.13.0-alt2: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:04:58 :: [aarch64] #140 gem-redis-client.git 0.23.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:04:58 :: [aarch64] #200 foreman.git 3.13.0-alt2: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:07:15 :: [x86_64] #200 foreman.git 3.13.0-alt2: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:07:15 :: [x86_64] #240 gem-rubocop-rails.git 2.11.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:07:32 :: [i586] #200 foreman.git 3.13.0-alt2: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:07:32 :: [i586] #240 gem-rubocop-rails.git 2.11.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:08:02 :: [i586] #240 gem-rubocop-rails.git 2.11.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:08:03 :: [i586] #300 gem-apipie-dsl.git build start
2025-Feb-16 08:08:04 :: [x86_64] #240 gem-rubocop-rails.git 2.11.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:08:04 :: [x86_64] #300 gem-apipie-dsl.git build start
2025-Feb-16 08:08:27 :: [aarch64] #200 foreman.git 3.13.0-alt2: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:08:28 :: [aarch64] #240 gem-rubocop-rails.git 2.11.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:08:35 :: [i586] #300 gem-apipie-dsl.git build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:08:36 :: [i586] #340 gem-theforeman-rubocop.git 0.1.2-alt1.1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:08:50 :: [x86_64] #300 gem-apipie-dsl.git build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:08:50 :: [x86_64] #340 gem-theforeman-rubocop.git 0.1.2-alt1.1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:09:11 :: [i586] #340 gem-theforeman-rubocop.git 0.1.2-alt1.1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:09:12 :: [i586] #360 gem-timeout.git 0.4.1-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:09:13 :: [aarch64] #240 gem-rubocop-rails.git 2.11.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:09:13 :: [aarch64] #300 gem-apipie-dsl.git build start
2025-Feb-16 08:09:25 :: [x86_64] #340 gem-theforeman-rubocop.git 0.1.2-alt1.1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:09:25 :: [x86_64] #360 gem-timeout.git 0.4.1-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:09:42 :: [i586] #360 gem-timeout.git 0.4.1-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:09:42 :: [i586] #400 gem-terser.git 1.2.4-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:10:01 :: [aarch64] #300 gem-apipie-dsl.git build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:10:01 :: [aarch64] #340 gem-theforeman-rubocop.git 0.1.2-alt1.1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:10:05 :: [x86_64] #360 gem-timeout.git 0.4.1-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:10:05 :: [x86_64] #400 gem-terser.git 1.2.4-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:10:14 :: [i586] #400 gem-terser.git 1.2.4-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:10:14 :: [i586] #440 gem-connection-pool.git 2.5.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:10:41 :: [aarch64] #340 gem-theforeman-rubocop.git 0.1.2-alt1.1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:10:41 :: [aarch64] #360 gem-timeout.git 0.4.1-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:10:44 :: [i586] #440 gem-connection-pool.git 2.5.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:10:44 :: [i586] #460 gem-dynflow.git 1.9.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:10:47 :: [x86_64] #400 gem-terser.git 1.2.4-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:10:47 :: [x86_64] #440 gem-connection-pool.git 2.5.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:11:24 :: [aarch64] #360 gem-timeout.git 0.4.1-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:11:24 :: [aarch64] #400 gem-terser.git 1.2.4-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:11:31 :: [x86_64] #440 gem-connection-pool.git 2.5.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:11:31 :: [x86_64] #460 gem-dynflow.git 1.9.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:11:31 :: [i586] #460 gem-dynflow.git 1.9.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:11:32 :: [i586] #600 gem-psych.git 4.0.6-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:12:04 :: [i586] #600 gem-psych.git 4.0.6-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:12:04 :: [i586] #700 gem-minitest-reporters-github.git 1.0.1-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:12:10 :: [aarch64] #400 gem-terser.git 1.2.4-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:12:10 :: [aarch64] #440 gem-connection-pool.git 2.5.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:12:18 :: [x86_64] #460 gem-dynflow.git 1.9.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:12:18 :: [x86_64] #600 gem-psych.git 4.0.6-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:12:30 :: [i586] #700 gem-minitest-reporters-github.git 1.0.1-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:12:30 :: [i586] #740 gem-hoe-markdown.git 1.7.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:12:51 :: [x86_64] #600 gem-psych.git 4.0.6-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:12:51 :: [x86_64] #700 gem-minitest-reporters-github.git 1.0.1-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:12:53 :: [aarch64] #440 gem-connection-pool.git 2.5.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:12:54 :: [aarch64] #460 gem-dynflow.git 1.9.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:12:59 :: [i586] #740 gem-hoe-markdown.git 1.7.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:12:59 :: [i586] #1000 gem-font-awesome-sass.git 6.5.2-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:13:29 :: [i586] #1000 gem-font-awesome-sass.git 6.5.2-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:13:30 :: [i586] #1100 gem-font-awesome-rails.git build start
2025-Feb-16 08:13:41 :: [x86_64] #700 gem-minitest-reporters-github.git 1.0.1-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:13:41 :: [x86_64] #740 gem-hoe-markdown.git 1.7.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:13:56 :: [i586] #1100 gem-font-awesome-rails.git build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:13:56 :: [i586] #1200 gem-foreman-templates.git 10.0.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:13:57 :: [aarch64] #460 gem-dynflow.git 1.9.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:13:57 :: [aarch64] #600 gem-psych.git 4.0.6-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:14:35 :: [x86_64] #740 gem-hoe-markdown.git 1.7.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:14:35 :: [x86_64] #1000 gem-font-awesome-sass.git 6.5.2-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:14:43 :: [aarch64] #600 gem-psych.git 4.0.6-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:14:43 :: [aarch64] #700 gem-minitest-reporters-github.git 1.0.1-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:14:56 :: [i586] #1200 gem-foreman-templates.git 10.0.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:14:57 :: [i586] #1240 gem-foreman-tasks.git 10.0.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:15:20 :: [x86_64] #1000 gem-font-awesome-sass.git 6.5.2-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:15:21 :: [x86_64] #1100 gem-font-awesome-rails.git build start
2025-Feb-16 08:15:23 :: [aarch64] #700 gem-minitest-reporters-github.git 1.0.1-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:15:23 :: [aarch64] #740 gem-hoe-markdown.git 1.7.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:15:47 :: [x86_64] #1100 gem-font-awesome-rails.git build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:15:47 :: [x86_64] #1200 gem-foreman-templates.git 10.0.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:15:48 :: [i586] #1240 gem-foreman-tasks.git 10.0.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:15:48 :: [i586] #1300 gem-foreman-remote-execution.git 14.0.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:16:05 :: [aarch64] #740 gem-hoe-markdown.git 1.7.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:16:05 :: [aarch64] #1000 gem-font-awesome-sass.git 6.5.2-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:16:23 :: [i586] #1300 gem-foreman-remote-execution.git 14.0.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:16:23 :: [i586] #1400 gem-foreman-discovery.git 24.0.2-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:16:48 :: [aarch64] #1000 gem-font-awesome-sass.git 6.5.2-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:16:48 :: [aarch64] #1100 gem-font-awesome-rails.git build start
2025-Feb-16 08:16:48 :: [x86_64] #1200 gem-foreman-templates.git 10.0.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:16:49 :: [x86_64] #1240 gem-foreman-tasks.git 10.0.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:17:22 :: [i586] #1400 gem-foreman-discovery.git 24.0.2-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:17:22 :: [i586] #1500 gem-foreman-ansible.git 15.0.1-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:17:27 :: [aarch64] #1100 gem-font-awesome-rails.git build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:17:27 :: [aarch64] #1200 gem-foreman-templates.git 10.0.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:17:40 :: [x86_64] #1240 gem-foreman-tasks.git 10.0.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:17:40 :: [x86_64] #1300 gem-foreman-remote-execution.git 14.0.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:18:16 :: [x86_64] #1300 gem-foreman-remote-execution.git 14.0.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:18:16 :: [x86_64] #1400 gem-foreman-discovery.git 24.0.2-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:18:25 :: [i586] #1500 gem-foreman-ansible.git 15.0.1-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:18:25 :: [i586] #1640 gem-rexical.git 1.0.8-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:18:54 :: [aarch64] #1200 gem-foreman-templates.git 10.0.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:18:54 :: [aarch64] #1240 gem-foreman-tasks.git 10.0.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:18:59 :: [i586] #1640 gem-rexical.git 1.0.8-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:18:59 :: [i586] #1660 gem-standard.git 1.41.1-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:19:13 :: [x86_64] #1400 gem-foreman-discovery.git 24.0.2-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:19:13 :: [x86_64] #1500 gem-foreman-ansible.git 15.0.1-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:19:29 :: [i586] #1660 gem-standard.git 1.41.1-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:19:29 :: [i586] #1670 gem-standard-performance.git 1.5.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:19:55 :: [i586] #1670 gem-standard-performance.git 1.5.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:19:55 :: [i586] #1700 gem-foreman-default-hostgroup.git build start
2025-Feb-16 08:20:08 :: [aarch64] #1240 gem-foreman-tasks.git 10.0.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:20:08 :: [aarch64] #1300 gem-foreman-remote-execution.git 14.0.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:20:13 :: [x86_64] #1500 gem-foreman-ansible.git 15.0.1-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:20:13 :: [x86_64] #1640 gem-rexical.git 1.0.8-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:20:25 :: [i586] #1700 gem-foreman-default-hostgroup.git build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:20:25 :: [i586] #1740 gem-nokogiri.git build start
2025-Feb-16 08:20:44 :: [x86_64] #1640 gem-rexical.git 1.0.8-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:20:45 :: [x86_64] #1660 gem-standard.git 1.41.1-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:21:00 :: [aarch64] #1300 gem-foreman-remote-execution.git 14.0.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:21:00 :: [aarch64] #1400 gem-foreman-discovery.git 24.0.2-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:21:13 :: [x86_64] #1660 gem-standard.git 1.41.1-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:21:13 :: [x86_64] #1670 gem-standard-performance.git 1.5.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:21:29 :: [i586] #1740 gem-nokogiri.git build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:21:29 :: [i586] #2000 gem-foreman-monitoring.git 3.2.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:21:40 :: [x86_64] #1670 gem-standard-performance.git 1.5.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:21:41 :: [x86_64] #1700 gem-foreman-default-hostgroup.git build start
2025-Feb-16 08:22:00 :: [i586] #2000 gem-foreman-monitoring.git 3.2.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:22:00 :: [i586] #2100 gem-foreman-webhooks.git 4.0.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:22:13 :: [x86_64] #1700 gem-foreman-default-hostgroup.git build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:22:13 :: [x86_64] #1740 gem-nokogiri.git build start
2025-Feb-16 08:22:25 :: [aarch64] #1400 gem-foreman-discovery.git 24.0.2-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:22:25 :: [aarch64] #1500 gem-foreman-ansible.git 15.0.1-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:23:00 :: [i586] #2100 gem-foreman-webhooks.git 4.0.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:23:01 :: [i586] #2200 gem-rails.git build start
2025-Feb-16 08:23:24 :: [x86_64] #1740 gem-nokogiri.git build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:23:24 :: [x86_64] #2000 gem-foreman-monitoring.git 3.2.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:23:54 :: [aarch64] #1500 gem-foreman-ansible.git 15.0.1-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:23:54 :: [aarch64] #1640 gem-rexical.git 1.0.8-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:24:00 :: [x86_64] #2000 gem-foreman-monitoring.git 3.2.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:24:00 :: [x86_64] #2100 gem-foreman-webhooks.git 4.0.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:24:39 :: [aarch64] #1640 gem-rexical.git 1.0.8-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:24:39 :: [aarch64] #1660 gem-standard.git 1.41.1-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:25:04 :: [x86_64] #2100 gem-foreman-webhooks.git 4.0.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:25:04 :: [x86_64] #2200 gem-rails.git build start
2025-Feb-16 08:25:20 :: [aarch64] #1660 gem-standard.git 1.41.1-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:25:20 :: [aarch64] #1670 gem-standard-performance.git 1.5.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:25:28 :: [i586] #2200 gem-rails.git build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:25:28 :: [i586] #2300 gem-uniform-notifier.git 1.16.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:25:59 :: [aarch64] #1670 gem-standard-performance.git 1.5.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:25:59 :: [aarch64] #1700 gem-foreman-default-hostgroup.git build start
2025-Feb-16 08:25:59 :: [i586] #2300 gem-uniform-notifier.git 1.16.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:25:59 :: [i586] #2400 gem-pry-doc.git build start
2025-Feb-16 08:26:42 :: [aarch64] #1700 gem-foreman-default-hostgroup.git build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:26:42 :: [aarch64] #1740 gem-nokogiri.git build start
2025-Feb-16 08:27:15 :: [i586] #2400 gem-pry-doc.git build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:27:16 :: [i586] #2500 railsctl.git 1.0.2-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:27:20 :: [x86_64] #2200 gem-rails.git build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:27:20 :: [x86_64] #2300 gem-uniform-notifier.git 1.16.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:27:33 :: [i586] #2500 railsctl.git 1.0.2-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:27:34 :: [i586] #2600 gem-rails-dom-testing.git 2.2.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:27:50 :: [x86_64] #2300 gem-uniform-notifier.git 1.16.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:27:51 :: [x86_64] #2400 gem-pry-doc.git build start
2025-Feb-16 08:28:05 :: [i586] #2600 gem-rails-dom-testing.git 2.2.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:28:05 :: [i586] #3000 gem-erubi.git 1.13.1-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:28:16 :: [aarch64] #1740 gem-nokogiri.git build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:28:17 :: [aarch64] #2000 gem-foreman-monitoring.git 3.2.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:28:33 :: [i586] #3000 gem-erubi.git 1.13.1-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:28:34 :: [i586] #3200 gem-loofah.git 2.24.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:28:54 :: [x86_64] #2400 gem-pry-doc.git build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:28:54 :: [x86_64] #2500 railsctl.git 1.0.2-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:29:02 :: [aarch64] #2000 gem-foreman-monitoring.git 3.2.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:29:02 :: [aarch64] #2100 gem-foreman-webhooks.git 4.0.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:29:06 :: [i586] #3200 gem-loofah.git 2.24.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:29:06 :: [i586] #3300 gem-rails-html-sanitizer.git 1.6.2-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:29:11 :: [x86_64] #2500 railsctl.git 1.0.2-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:29:12 :: [x86_64] #2600 gem-rails-dom-testing.git 2.2.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:29:37 :: [i586] #3300 gem-rails-html-sanitizer.git 1.6.2-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:29:37 :: [i586] #3400 gem-thor.git 1.3.2-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:29:45 :: [x86_64] #2600 gem-rails-dom-testing.git 2.2.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:29:45 :: [x86_64] #3000 gem-erubi.git 1.13.1-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:30:11 :: [i586] #3400 gem-thor.git 1.3.2-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:30:11 :: [i586] #3500 gem-sidekiq.git 7.3.8-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:30:15 :: [x86_64] #3000 gem-erubi.git 1.13.1-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:30:15 :: [x86_64] #3200 gem-loofah.git 2.24.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:30:28 :: [aarch64] #2100 gem-foreman-webhooks.git 4.0.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:30:29 :: [aarch64] #2200 gem-rails.git build start
2025-Feb-16 08:30:48 :: [x86_64] #3200 gem-loofah.git 2.24.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:30:48 :: [x86_64] #3300 gem-rails-html-sanitizer.git 1.6.2-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:30:54 :: [i586] #3500 gem-sidekiq.git 7.3.8-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:30:54 :: [i586] #3600 gem-smart-proxy.git 3.13.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:31:20 :: [x86_64] #3300 gem-rails-html-sanitizer.git 1.6.2-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:31:20 :: [x86_64] #3400 gem-thor.git 1.3.2-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:31:35 :: [i586] #3600 gem-smart-proxy.git 3.13.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:31:55 :: [x86_64] #3400 gem-thor.git 1.3.2-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:31:55 :: [x86_64] #3500 gem-sidekiq.git 7.3.8-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:32:34 :: [x86_64] #3500 gem-sidekiq.git 7.3.8-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:32:35 :: [x86_64] #3600 gem-smart-proxy.git 3.13.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:33:18 :: [x86_64] #3600 gem-smart-proxy.git 3.13.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:33:44 :: [aarch64] #2200 gem-rails.git build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:33:45 :: [aarch64] #2300 gem-uniform-notifier.git 1.16.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:34:27 :: [aarch64] #2300 gem-uniform-notifier.git 1.16.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:34:27 :: [aarch64] #2400 gem-pry-doc.git build start
2025-Feb-16 08:36:04 :: [aarch64] #2400 gem-pry-doc.git build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:36:04 :: [aarch64] #2500 railsctl.git 1.0.2-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:36:29 :: [aarch64] #2500 railsctl.git 1.0.2-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:36:30 :: [aarch64] #2600 gem-rails-dom-testing.git 2.2.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:37:15 :: [aarch64] #2600 gem-rails-dom-testing.git 2.2.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:37:16 :: [aarch64] #3000 gem-erubi.git 1.13.1-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:37:57 :: [aarch64] #3000 gem-erubi.git 1.13.1-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:37:58 :: [aarch64] #3200 gem-loofah.git 2.24.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:38:45 :: [aarch64] #3200 gem-loofah.git 2.24.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:38:45 :: [aarch64] #3300 gem-rails-html-sanitizer.git 1.6.2-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:39:30 :: [aarch64] #3300 gem-rails-html-sanitizer.git 1.6.2-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:39:30 :: [aarch64] #3400 gem-thor.git 1.3.2-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:40:20 :: [aarch64] #3400 gem-thor.git 1.3.2-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:40:20 :: [aarch64] #3500 gem-sidekiq.git 7.3.8-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:41:21 :: [aarch64] #3500 gem-sidekiq.git 7.3.8-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:41:22 :: [aarch64] #3600 gem-smart-proxy.git 3.13.0-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-16 08:42:22 :: [aarch64] #3600 gem-smart-proxy.git 3.13.0-alt1: build OK
2025-Feb-16 08:42:36 :: #30: gem-benchmark.git 0.4.0-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:42:48 :: #40: gem-deface.git 1.9.0-alt1.1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:42:58 :: #60: gem-factory-bot.git 6.2.1-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:43:10 :: #70: gem-factory-bot-rails.git 6.2.0-alt1.1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:43:25 :: #76: gem-megatest.git 0.2.0-alt0.p11.1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:43:42 :: #77: gem-securerandom.git 0.4.1-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:44:03 :: #140: gem-redis-client.git 0.23.0-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:44:21 :: #200: foreman.git 3.13.0-alt2: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:44:33 :: #240: gem-rubocop-rails.git 2.11.0-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:44:46 :: #300: gem-apipie-dsl.git build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:44:58 :: #340: gem-theforeman-rubocop.git 0.1.2-alt1.1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:45:10 :: #360: gem-timeout.git 0.4.1-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:45:22 :: #400: gem-terser.git 1.2.4-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:45:34 :: #440: gem-connection-pool.git 2.5.0-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:45:49 :: #460: gem-dynflow.git 1.9.0-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:46:01 :: #600: gem-psych.git 4.0.6-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:46:12 :: #700: gem-minitest-reporters-github.git 1.0.1-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:46:24 :: #740: gem-hoe-markdown.git 1.7.0-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:46:38 :: #1000: gem-font-awesome-sass.git 6.5.2-alt1: build check OK
x86_64/srpm/gem-font-awesome-rails- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: SIL
x86_64/srpm/gem-font-awesome-rails- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Open
x86_64/srpm/gem-font-awesome-rails- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Font
x86_64/srpm/gem-font-awesome-rails- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: License
x86_64/rpms/gem-font-awesome-rails- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: SIL
x86_64/rpms/gem-font-awesome-rails- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Open
x86_64/rpms/gem-font-awesome-rails- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Font
x86_64/rpms/gem-font-awesome-rails- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: License
x86_64/rpms/gem-font-awesome-rails-doc- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: SIL
x86_64/rpms/gem-font-awesome-rails-doc- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Open
x86_64/rpms/gem-font-awesome-rails-doc- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Font
x86_64/rpms/gem-font-awesome-rails-doc- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: License
i586/srpm/gem-font-awesome-rails- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: SIL
i586/srpm/gem-font-awesome-rails- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Open
i586/srpm/gem-font-awesome-rails- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Font
i586/srpm/gem-font-awesome-rails- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: License
i586/rpms/gem-font-awesome-rails- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: SIL
i586/rpms/gem-font-awesome-rails- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Open
i586/rpms/gem-font-awesome-rails- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Font
i586/rpms/gem-font-awesome-rails- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: License
i586/rpms/gem-font-awesome-rails-doc- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: SIL
i586/rpms/gem-font-awesome-rails-doc- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Open
i586/rpms/gem-font-awesome-rails-doc- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Font
i586/rpms/gem-font-awesome-rails-doc- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: License
aarch64/srpm/gem-font-awesome-rails- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: SIL
aarch64/srpm/gem-font-awesome-rails- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Open
aarch64/srpm/gem-font-awesome-rails- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Font
aarch64/srpm/gem-font-awesome-rails- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: License
aarch64/rpms/gem-font-awesome-rails- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: SIL
aarch64/rpms/gem-font-awesome-rails- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Open
aarch64/rpms/gem-font-awesome-rails- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Font
aarch64/rpms/gem-font-awesome-rails- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: License
aarch64/rpms/gem-font-awesome-rails-doc- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: SIL
aarch64/rpms/gem-font-awesome-rails-doc- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Open
aarch64/rpms/gem-font-awesome-rails-doc- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Font
aarch64/rpms/gem-font-awesome-rails-doc- license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: License
2025-Feb-16 08:46:47 :: #1100: gem-font-awesome-rails.git build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:46:59 :: #1200: gem-foreman-templates.git 10.0.0-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:47:12 :: #1240: gem-foreman-tasks.git 10.0.0-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:47:24 :: #1300: gem-foreman-remote-execution.git 14.0.0-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:47:36 :: #1400: gem-foreman-discovery.git 24.0.2-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:47:49 :: #1500: gem-foreman-ansible.git 15.0.1-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:48:02 :: #1640: gem-rexical.git 1.0.8-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:48:14 :: #1660: gem-standard.git 1.41.1-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:48:23 :: #1670: gem-standard-performance.git 1.5.0-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:48:36 :: #1700: gem-foreman-default-hostgroup.git build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:48:53 :: #1740: gem-nokogiri.git build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:49:11 :: #2000: gem-foreman-monitoring.git 3.2.0-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:49:26 :: #2100: gem-foreman-webhooks.git 4.0.0-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:50:48 :: #2200: gem-rails.git build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:50:59 :: #2300: gem-uniform-notifier.git 1.16.0-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:51:11 :: #2400: gem-pry-doc.git build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:51:19 :: #2500: railsctl.git 1.0.2-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:51:32 :: #2600: gem-rails-dom-testing.git 2.2.0-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:51:44 :: #3000: gem-erubi.git 1.13.1-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:51:56 :: #3200: gem-loofah.git 2.24.0-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:52:09 :: #3300: gem-rails-html-sanitizer.git 1.6.2-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:52:23 :: #3400: gem-thor.git 1.3.2-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:52:37 :: #3500: gem-sidekiq.git 7.3.8-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:52:52 :: #3600: gem-smart-proxy.git 3.13.0-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:52:55 :: build check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:55:16 :: noarch check OK
2025-Feb-16 08:55:19 :: plan: src +43 -36 =19701, aarch64 +6 -7 =33961, i586 +6 -7 =33120, noarch +156 -144 =20602, x86_64 +6 -7 =34752
#200 foreman 3.5.1-alt9 -> 3.13.0-alt2
 Wed Feb 05 2025 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 3.13.0-alt2
 - * moved public to a signle level up in %datadir
 Mon Sep 30 2024 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 3.13.0-alt1
 - ^ 3.5.1 -> 3.13.0
 - ! fixed CVE-2024-8553
#300 gem-apipie-dsl 2.5.0-alt1 ->
 Fri Jan 10 2025 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux>
 - ^ 2.5.0 -> 2.6.2p1
#30 gem-benchmark 0.2.1-alt1 -> 0.4.0-alt1
 Sat Feb 15 2025 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 0.4.0-alt1
 - ^ 0.2.1 -> 0.4.0
#440 gem-connection-pool 2.2.5-alt1 -> 2.5.0-alt1
 Tue Jan 21 2025 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 2.5.0-alt1
 - ^ 2.2.5 -> 2.5.0
#460 gem-dynflow 1.6.10-alt1.1 -> 1.9.0-alt1
 Thu Oct 03 2024 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 1.9.0-alt1
 - ^ 1.6.10 -> 1.9.0
#3000 gem-erubi 1.10.0-alt1 -> 1.13.1-alt1
 Fri Jan 10 2025 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 1.13.1-alt1
 - ^ 1.10.0 -> 1.13.1
#1000 gem-font-awesome-sass 6.1.1-alt1 -> 6.5.2-alt1
 Thu Oct 17 2024 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 6.5.2-alt1
 - ^ 6.1.1 -> 6.5.2
#1500 gem-foreman-ansible 10.0.1-alt1.1 -> 15.0.1-alt1
 Fri Oct 04 2024 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 15.0.1-alt1
 - ^ 10.0.1 -> 15.0.1
#1700 gem-foreman-default-hostgroup ->
 Fri Oct 04 2024 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux>
 - ^ -> 7.0.0p18
#1400 gem-foreman-discovery 21.0.3-alt1.1 -> 24.0.2-alt1
 Tue Oct 01 2024 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 24.0.2-alt1
 - ^ 21.0.3 -> 24.0.2
#2000 gem-foreman-monitoring 2.1.0-alt2 -> 3.2.0-alt1
 Fri Oct 04 2024 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 3.2.0-alt1
 - ^ 2.1.0 -> 3.2.0
#1300 gem-foreman-remote-execution 8.0.0-alt1.1 -> 14.0.0-alt1
 Tue Oct 01 2024 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 14.0.0-alt1
 - ^ 8.0.0 -> 14.0.0
#1240 gem-foreman-tasks 7.0.0-alt2.1 -> 1:10.0.0-alt1
 Thu Oct 03 2024 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 1:10.0.0-alt1
 - ^ 7.0.0 -> 10.0.0
#1200 gem-foreman-templates 9.3.0-alt1.1 -> 10.0.0-alt1
 Tue Oct 01 2024 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 10.0.0-alt1
 - ^ 9.3.0 -> 10.0.0
#2100 gem-foreman-webhooks 3.0.5-alt1.1 -> 4.0.0-alt1
 Fri Oct 04 2024 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 4.0.0-alt1
 - ^ 3.0.5 -> 4.0.0
#740 gem-hoe-markdown 1.4.0-alt1 -> 1.7.0-alt1
 Fri Jan 10 2025 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 1.7.0-alt1
 - ^ 1.4.0 -> 1.7.0
#3200 gem-loofah 2.19.1-alt1 -> 2.24.0-alt1
 Fri Jan 10 2025 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 2.24.0-alt1
 - ^ 2.19.1 -> 2.24.0
#1740 gem-nokogiri 1.16.4-alt1 ->
 Thu Oct 24 2024 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux>
 - ^ 1.16.7 -> 1.16.7p371
 Tue Jul 23 2024 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 1.16.7-alt1
 - ^ 1.16.4 -> 1.16.7, but without check, with libxml2 fixed:
  + CVE-2024-34459
  + CVE-2024-40896
#2400 gem-pry-doc 1.1.0-alt1 ->
 Mon Feb 03 2025 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux>
 - ^ 1.1.0 -> 1.5.0p5
#600 gem-psych 4.0.4-alt1 -> 4.0.6-alt1
 Fri Jul 26 2024 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 4.0.6-alt1
 - ^ 4.0.4 -> 4.0.6
#2200 gem-rails ->
 Fri Jan 10 2025 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux>
 - ^ ->
 - ! CVEs
  + CVE-2024-54133
  + CVE-2024-53847
  + CVE-2024-47889
  + CVE-2024-47888
  + CVE-2024-41128
  + CVE-2024-47887
  + CVE-2024-32464
#2600 gem-rails-dom-testing -> 2.2.0-alt1
 Fri Jan 10 2025 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 2.2.0-alt1
 - ^ -> 2.2.0
#3300 gem-rails-html-sanitizer 1.5.0-alt1 -> 1.6.2-alt1
 Fri Jan 10 2025 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 1.6.2-alt1
 - ^ 1.5.0 -> 1.6.2
#140 gem-redis-client 0.12.1-alt1 -> 0.23.0-alt1
 Thu Dec 12 2024 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 0.23.0-alt1
 - ^ 0.22.2 -> 0.23.0
 Fri Jul 26 2024 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 0.22.2-alt1
 - ^ 0.12.1 -> 0.22.2
#1640 gem-rexical 1.0.7-alt1.3 -> 1.0.8-alt1
 Wed Oct 23 2024 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 1.0.8-alt1
 - ^ 1.0.7 -> 1.0.8
 - * relicensed
#3500 gem-sidekiq 6.5.12-alt1 -> 7.3.8-alt1
 Wed Jan 22 2025 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 7.3.8-alt1
 - ^ 6.5.12 -> 7.3.8
#3600 gem-smart-proxy 3.5.1-alt3.2 -> 3.13.0-alt1
 Thu Jan 23 2025 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 3.13.0-alt1
 - ^ 3.5.1 -> 3.13.0
 Wed Jul 31 2024 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 3.5.1-alt3.3
 - ! dep to ruby-prof and psych
#1660 gem-standard -> 1.41.1-alt1
 Fri Oct 25 2024 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 1.41.1-alt1
 - ^ -> 1.41.1
#1670 gem-standard-performance 1.3.1-alt1 -> 1.5.0-alt1
 Fri Oct 25 2024 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 1.5.0-alt1
 - ^ 1.3.1 -> 1.5.0
#3400 gem-thor 1.2.1-alt1 -> 1.3.2-alt1
 Wed Jan 15 2025 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 1.3.2-alt1
 - ^ 1.2.1 -> 1.3.2
#2300 gem-uniform-notifier 1.14.2-alt1 -> 1.16.0-alt1
 Tue Feb 04 2025 Pavel Skrylev <majioa at altlinux> 1.16.0-alt1
 - ^ 1.14.2 -> 1.16.0
2025-Feb-16 08:55:20 :: foreman: mentions vulnerabilities: CVE-2024-8553
2025-Feb-16 08:55:20 :: gem-nokogiri: mentions vulnerabilities: CVE-2024-34459 CVE-2024-40896
2025-Feb-16 08:55:20 :: gem-rails: mentions vulnerabilities: CVE-2024-54133 CVE-2024-53847 CVE-2024-47889 CVE-2024-47888 CVE-2024-41128 CVE-2024-47887 CVE-2024-32464 CVE-2024-28103 CVE-2024-26143 CVE-2024-26142 CVE-2013-0276 CVE-2024-28103
2025-Feb-16 08:56:03 :: patched apt indices
2025-Feb-16 08:56:12 :: created next repo
2025-Feb-16 08:56:22 :: duplicate provides check OK
	x86_64: NEW unmet dependencies detected:
 foreman#3.13.0-alt2:p11+374139.200.2.1 at 1739693208                           gem(psych) >= 5.0
 gem-bson-devel#4.14.1-alt1:sisyphus+296703.1100.105.2 at 1663320517            gem(activesupport) < 7.1
 gem-chronic-devel# at 1630650418       gem(activesupport) < 7
 gem-gitlab-sidekiq-fetcher#0.8.0-alt1:sisyphus+296637.5000.56.4 at 1654657865  gem(sidekiq) < 7
 gem-iso8601-devel#0.13.0-alt1:sisyphus+238996.4400.4.1 at 1630583908           gem(pry-doc) < 1.2
 gem-m-devel# at 1630651445              gem(activesupport) < 7
 gem-opencensus-devel#0.5.0-alt1:sisyphus+296741.27240.43.1 at 1666818278       gem(rails) < 7
 gem-rail-inspector#0.0.2-alt1:p11+374139.2200.2.1 at 1739694426                gem(syntax_tree) >= 6.1.1
 gem-roadie-rails#3.0.0-alt1:sisyphus+309698.3400.23.1 at 1671598134            gem(railties) < 7.1
 gem-roadie-rails-devel#3.0.0-alt1:sisyphus+309698.3400.23.1 at 1671598134      gem(rails) < 7.1
 gem-sidekiq-devel#7.3.8-alt1:p11+374139.3500.2.1 at 1739694751                 gem(sqlite3) >= 1.7
 gem-timeliness-devel#0.4.4-alt1:sisyphus+246775.400.5.1 at 1630648714          gem(activesupport) < 7
 gem-treetop-devel#1:1.6.11-alt1:sisyphus+252865.1140.13.1 at 1633608242        gem(activesupport) < 7
 gem-weighted-average#2.0.2-alt1:sisyphus+296637.3600.56.4 at 1654657494        gem(activesupport) < 7
 gem-weighted-average-devel#2.0.2-alt1:sisyphus+296637.3600.56.4 at 1654657494  gem(activerecord) < 7
 gem-wikicloth-devel# at 1630649167        gem(activesupport) < 7
 gem-yell-devel#2.2.0-alt1:sisyphus+309093.3000.12.1 at 1667260329              gem(activesupport) < 7
 smart-proxy#3.13.0-alt1:p11+374139.3600.2.1 at 1739694795                      gem(redfish_client) >= 0.6.0
	i586: NEW unmet dependencies detected:
 foreman#3.13.0-alt2:p11+374139.200.2.1 at 1739693208                           gem(psych) >= 5.0
 gem-bson-devel#4.14.1-alt1:sisyphus+296703.1100.105.2 at 1663320517            gem(activesupport) < 7.1
 gem-chronic-devel# at 1630650418       gem(activesupport) < 7
 gem-gitlab-sidekiq-fetcher#0.8.0-alt1:sisyphus+296637.5000.56.4 at 1654657865  gem(sidekiq) < 7
 gem-iso8601-devel#0.13.0-alt1:sisyphus+238996.4400.4.1 at 1630583908           gem(pry-doc) < 1.2
 gem-m-devel# at 1630651445              gem(activesupport) < 7
 gem-opencensus-devel#0.5.0-alt1:sisyphus+296741.27240.43.1 at 1666818278       gem(rails) < 7
 gem-rail-inspector#0.0.2-alt1:p11+374139.2200.2.1 at 1739694426                gem(syntax_tree) >= 6.1.1
 gem-roadie-rails#3.0.0-alt1:sisyphus+309698.3400.23.1 at 1671598134            gem(railties) < 7.1
 gem-roadie-rails-devel#3.0.0-alt1:sisyphus+309698.3400.23.1 at 1671598134      gem(rails) < 7.1
 gem-sidekiq-devel#7.3.8-alt1:p11+374139.3500.2.1 at 1739694751                 gem(sqlite3) >= 1.7
 gem-timeliness-devel#0.4.4-alt1:sisyphus+246775.400.5.1 at 1630648714          gem(activesupport) < 7
 gem-treetop-devel#1:1.6.11-alt1:sisyphus+252865.1140.13.1 at 1633608242        gem(activesupport) < 7
 gem-weighted-average#2.0.2-alt1:sisyphus+296637.3600.56.4 at 1654657494        gem(activesupport) < 7
 gem-weighted-average-devel#2.0.2-alt1:sisyphus+296637.3600.56.4 at 1654657494  gem(activerecord) < 7
 gem-wikicloth-devel# at 1630649167        gem(activesupport) < 7
 gem-yell-devel#2.2.0-alt1:sisyphus+309093.3000.12.1 at 1667260329              gem(activesupport) < 7
 smart-proxy#3.13.0-alt1:p11+374139.3600.2.1 at 1739694795                      gem(redfish_client) >= 0.6.0
	aarch64: NEW unmet dependencies detected:
 foreman#3.13.0-alt2:p11+374139.200.2.1 at 1739693208                           gem(psych) >= 5.0
 gem-bson-devel#4.14.1-alt1:sisyphus+296703.1100.105.2 at 1663320517            gem(activesupport) < 7.1
 gem-chronic-devel# at 1630650418       gem(activesupport) < 7
 gem-gitlab-sidekiq-fetcher#0.8.0-alt1:sisyphus+296637.5000.56.4 at 1654657865  gem(sidekiq) < 7
 gem-iso8601-devel#0.13.0-alt1:sisyphus+238996.4400.4.1 at 1630583908           gem(pry-doc) < 1.2
 gem-m-devel# at 1630651445              gem(activesupport) < 7
 gem-opencensus-devel#0.5.0-alt1:sisyphus+296741.27240.43.1 at 1666818278       gem(rails) < 7
 gem-rail-inspector#0.0.2-alt1:p11+374139.2200.2.1 at 1739694426                gem(syntax_tree) >= 6.1.1
 gem-roadie-rails#3.0.0-alt1:sisyphus+309698.3400.23.1 at 1671598134            gem(railties) < 7.1
 gem-roadie-rails-devel#3.0.0-alt1:sisyphus+309698.3400.23.1 at 1671598134      gem(rails) < 7.1
 gem-sidekiq-devel#7.3.8-alt1:p11+374139.3500.2.1 at 1739694751                 gem(sqlite3) >= 1.7
 gem-timeliness-devel#0.4.4-alt1:sisyphus+246775.400.5.1 at 1630648714          gem(activesupport) < 7
 gem-treetop-devel#1:1.6.11-alt1:sisyphus+252865.1140.13.1 at 1633608242        gem(activesupport) < 7
 gem-weighted-average#2.0.2-alt1:sisyphus+296637.3600.56.4 at 1654657494        gem(activesupport) < 7
 gem-weighted-average-devel#2.0.2-alt1:sisyphus+296637.3600.56.4 at 1654657494  gem(activerecord) < 7
 gem-wikicloth-devel# at 1630649167        gem(activesupport) < 7
 gem-yell-devel#2.2.0-alt1:sisyphus+309093.3000.12.1 at 1667260329              gem(activesupport) < 7
 smart-proxy#3.13.0-alt1:p11+374139.3600.2.1 at 1739694795                      gem(redfish_client) >= 0.6.0
	ACLs of affected packages (16):
2025-Feb-16 08:57:01 :: unmets: x86_64 +18 -0 =18, i586 +18 -0 =18, aarch64 +18 -0 =21
2025-Feb-16 08:57:01 :: dependencies check FAILED
2025-Feb-16 08:57:01 :: task #374139 for p11 FAILED

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