[#373160] TESTED (try 5) alterator-blivet.git=1.0.0-alt0.1 ...

Girar awaiter (darisishe) girar-builder at altlinux.org
Thu Feb 6 01:37:56 MSK 2025


subtask  name                                 aarch64  i586  ppc64le  x86_64
   #200  alterator-blivet                          53    30     1:03      31
   #400  installer-distro-virtualization-pve       27    16       28      17

2025-Feb-05 22:31:24 :: test-only task #373160 for sisyphus resumed by darisishe:
#40 removed
#60 removed
#70 removed
#74 removed
#76 removed
#77 removed
#100 removed
#200 build 1.0.0-alt0.1 from /people/darisishe/packages/alterator-blivet.git fetched at 2025-Feb-05 22:01:49
#300 removed
#400 build 11.0.0-alt0.2 from /people/darisishe/packages/installer-distro-virtualization-pve.git fetched at 2025-Feb-05 22:31:16
2025-Feb-05 22:31:24 :: created build repo
2025-Feb-05 22:31:25 :: [ppc64le] #200 alterator-blivet.git 1.0.0-alt0.1: build start
2025-Feb-05 22:31:25 :: [i586] #200 alterator-blivet.git 1.0.0-alt0.1: build start
2025-Feb-05 22:31:25 :: [aarch64] #200 alterator-blivet.git 1.0.0-alt0.1: build start
2025-Feb-05 22:31:25 :: [x86_64] #200 alterator-blivet.git 1.0.0-alt0.1: build start
2025-Feb-05 22:31:55 :: [i586] #200 alterator-blivet.git 1.0.0-alt0.1: build OK
2025-Feb-05 22:31:55 :: [i586] #400 installer-distro-virtualization-pve.git 11.0.0-alt0.2: build start
2025-Feb-05 22:31:56 :: [x86_64] #200 alterator-blivet.git 1.0.0-alt0.1: build OK
2025-Feb-05 22:31:56 :: [x86_64] #400 installer-distro-virtualization-pve.git 11.0.0-alt0.2: build start
2025-Feb-05 22:32:11 :: [i586] #400 installer-distro-virtualization-pve.git 11.0.0-alt0.2: build OK
2025-Feb-05 22:32:13 :: [x86_64] #400 installer-distro-virtualization-pve.git 11.0.0-alt0.2: build OK
2025-Feb-05 22:32:18 :: [aarch64] #200 alterator-blivet.git 1.0.0-alt0.1: build OK
2025-Feb-05 22:32:19 :: [aarch64] #400 installer-distro-virtualization-pve.git 11.0.0-alt0.2: build start
2025-Feb-05 22:32:28 :: [ppc64le] #200 alterator-blivet.git 1.0.0-alt0.1: build OK
2025-Feb-05 22:32:29 :: [ppc64le] #400 installer-distro-virtualization-pve.git 11.0.0-alt0.2: build start
2025-Feb-05 22:32:46 :: [aarch64] #400 installer-distro-virtualization-pve.git 11.0.0-alt0.2: build OK
2025-Feb-05 22:32:57 :: [ppc64le] #400 installer-distro-virtualization-pve.git 11.0.0-alt0.2: build OK
2025-Feb-05 22:33:06 :: #200: alterator-blivet.git 1.0.0-alt0.1: build check OK
2025-Feb-05 22:33:17 :: #400: installer-distro-virtualization-pve.git 11.0.0-alt0.2: build check OK
2025-Feb-05 22:33:18 :: build check OK
2025-Feb-05 22:33:21 :: noarch check OK
2025-Feb-05 22:33:23 :: plan: src +2 -1 =20096, aarch64 +1 -0 =34874, i586 +1 -0 =33871, noarch +2 -2 =20836, ppc64le +1 -0 =33427, x86_64 +1 -0 =35694
#400 installer-distro-virtualization-pve 11.0.0-alt0.1 -> 11.0.0-alt0.2
 Wed Jan 29 2025 Sergey Konev <darisishe at altlinux> 11.0.0-alt0.2
 - Usage of 'tuned' daemon for better system settings fitting
 - New volume managment module
 - Split pkg into pkg-groups and pkg-install
   Currently there's no packages groups in PVE distro.
   But the pkg-groups is needed to initialize
   /var/lib/installer-alterator-pkg/pkg-size file,
   which is used by volume managment modules
2025-Feb-05 22:34:07 :: patched apt indices
2025-Feb-05 22:34:17 :: created next repo
2025-Feb-05 22:34:27 :: duplicate provides check OK
2025-Feb-05 22:35:05 :: dependencies check OK
nm: /tmp/M2dvktNq65/4_UZ7zvrhu: no symbols
nm: /tmp/42dyRjop2v/vSZ0oy10pl: no symbols
nm: /tmp/X2J3Who5ZZ/qiLycQ1dt_: no symbols
nm: /tmp/yY4oLA6QBB/o5pC_rJHAv: no symbols
2025-Feb-05 22:35:07 :: [x86_64 i586 aarch64 ppc64le] ELF symbols check OK
	x86_64: alterator-blivet=1.0.0-alt0.1 post-install unowned files:
	i586: alterator-blivet=1.0.0-alt0.1 post-install unowned files:
2025-Feb-05 22:35:27 :: [x86_64] #200 alterator-blivet: install check OK
2025-Feb-05 22:35:27 :: [i586] #200 alterator-blivet: install check OK
	aarch64: alterator-blivet=1.0.0-alt0.1 post-install unowned files:
2025-Feb-05 22:35:40 :: [aarch64] #200 alterator-blivet: install check OK
	ppc64le: alterator-blivet=1.0.0-alt0.1 post-install unowned files:
2025-Feb-05 22:35:42 :: [ppc64le] #200 alterator-blivet: install check OK
2025-Feb-05 22:35:53 :: [x86_64] #400 installer-distro-virtualization-pve-stage2: install check OK
2025-Feb-05 22:35:57 :: [i586] #400 installer-distro-virtualization-pve-stage2: install check OK
2025-Feb-05 22:36:06 :: [x86_64] #400 installer-distro-virtualization-pve-stage3: install check OK
2025-Feb-05 22:36:11 :: [i586] #400 installer-distro-virtualization-pve-stage3: install check OK
2025-Feb-05 22:36:17 :: [aarch64] #400 installer-distro-virtualization-pve-stage2: install check OK
2025-Feb-05 22:36:27 :: [ppc64le] #400 installer-distro-virtualization-pve-stage2: install check OK
2025-Feb-05 22:36:37 :: [aarch64] #400 installer-distro-virtualization-pve-stage3: install check OK
2025-Feb-05 22:36:52 :: [ppc64le] #400 installer-distro-virtualization-pve-stage3: install check OK
2025-Feb-05 22:37:10 :: [x86_64-i586] generated apt indices
2025-Feb-05 22:37:10 :: [x86_64-i586] created next repo
2025-Feb-05 22:37:21 :: [x86_64-i586] dependencies check OK
2025-Feb-05 22:37:22 :: gears inheritance check OK
2025-Feb-05 22:37:22 :: srpm inheritance check OK
girar-check-perms: access to alterator-blivet DENIED for darisishe: does not belong to maintainers list yet
check-subtask-perms: #200: alterator-blivet: Operation not permitted
girar-check-perms: access to installer-distro-virtualization-pve DENIED for darisishe: does not belong to maintainers list yet
check-subtask-perms: #400: installer-distro-virtualization-pve: Operation not permitted
2025-Feb-05 22:37:22 :: acl check IGNORED
2025-Feb-05 22:37:44 :: created contents_index files
2025-Feb-05 22:37:53 :: created hash files: aarch64 i586 noarch ppc64le src x86_64
2025-Feb-05 22:37:56 :: task #373160 for sisyphus TESTED

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