[#373083] p11 DONE (try 2) alterator-sysconfig.git=1.3.20-alt1
Girar pender (amakeenk)
girar-builder at altlinux.org
Wed Feb 5 10:49:15 MSK 2025
2025-Feb-05 07:45:57 :: task #373083 for p11 resumed by amakeenk:
2025-Feb-05 07:45:57 :: message: Add_Tatar_and_Mari_languages
#100 build 1.3.20-alt1 from /people/felixz/packages/alterator-sysconfig.git fetched at 2025-Feb-03 14:01:34
2025-Feb-05 07:45:58 :: [x86_64] #100 alterator-sysconfig.git 1.3.20-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-05 07:45:58 :: [aarch64] #100 alterator-sysconfig.git 1.3.20-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-05 07:45:58 :: [i586] #100 alterator-sysconfig.git 1.3.20-alt1: build start
2025-Feb-05 07:46:08 :: [i586] #100 alterator-sysconfig.git 1.3.20-alt1: build OK (cached)
2025-Feb-05 07:46:09 :: [x86_64] #100 alterator-sysconfig.git 1.3.20-alt1: build OK (cached)
2025-Feb-05 07:46:15 :: [aarch64] #100 alterator-sysconfig.git 1.3.20-alt1: build OK (cached)
2025-Feb-05 07:46:23 :: #100: alterator-sysconfig.git 1.3.20-alt1: build check OK
2025-Feb-05 07:46:24 :: build check OK
2025-Feb-05 07:46:25 :: noarch check OK
2025-Feb-05 07:46:27 :: plan: src +1 -1 =19625, noarch +1 -1 =20552
#100 alterator-sysconfig 1.3.19-alt1 -> 1.3.20-alt1
Sun Feb 02 2025 Kirill Izmestev <felixz at altlinux> 1.3.20-alt1
- Add Tatar and Mari languages:
1. Show Russian labels when a program has not yet been translated to
the language of small nation of Russia.
2. Take into account the absence of the utf8 substring in the names
of the Mari and Tatar locales.
2025-Feb-05 07:46:57 :: patched apt indices
2025-Feb-05 07:47:07 :: created next repo
2025-Feb-05 07:47:17 :: duplicate provides check OK
2025-Feb-05 07:47:55 :: dependencies check OK
i586: alterator-sysconfig=1.3.20-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2025-Feb-05 07:48:06 :: [i586] #100 alterator-sysconfig: install check OK (cached)
x86_64: alterator-sysconfig=1.3.20-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2025-Feb-05 07:48:06 :: [x86_64] #100 alterator-sysconfig: install check OK (cached)
aarch64: alterator-sysconfig=1.3.20-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2025-Feb-05 07:48:14 :: [aarch64] #100 alterator-sysconfig: install check OK (cached)
2025-Feb-05 07:48:15 :: gears inheritance check OK
2025-Feb-05 07:48:15 :: srpm inheritance check OK
girar-check-perms: access to @maint ALLOWED for cas: member of approved group
girar-check-perms: access to @tester ALLOWED for amakeenk: member of approved group
check-subtask-perms: #100: alterator-sysconfig: approved by cas, approved by amakeenk
2025-Feb-05 07:48:16 :: acl check OK
2025-Feb-05 07:48:38 :: created contents_index files
2025-Feb-05 07:48:45 :: created hash files: noarch src
2025-Feb-05 07:48:49 :: task #373083 for p11 TESTED
2025-Feb-05 07:48:49 :: task is ready for commit
2025-Feb-05 07:48:55 :: repo clone OK
2025-Feb-05 07:48:55 :: packages update OK
2025-Feb-05 07:48:58 :: [noarch] update OK
2025-Feb-05 07:48:58 :: repo update OK
2025-Feb-05 07:49:09 :: repo save OK
2025-Feb-05 07:49:09 :: src index update OK
2025-Feb-05 07:49:09 :: updated /gears/a/alterator-sysconfig.git branch `p11'
2025-Feb-05 07:49:15 :: gears update OK
2025-Feb-05 07:49:15 :: task #373083 for p11 DONE
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