[#352824] p11 DONE (try 3) tcpreplay.git=4.5.1-alt1

Girar pender (amakeenk) girar-builder at altlinux.org
Thu Jul 25 15:19:30 MSK 2024


subtask  name       aarch64  i586  x86_64
   #100  tcpreplay     1:52  1:19    1:14

2024-Jul-25 12:13:41 :: task #352824 for p11 resumed by amakeenk:
2024-Jul-25 12:13:41 :: message: security update
#100 build 4.5.1-alt1 from /people/rider/packages/tcpreplay.git fetched at 2024-Jul-14 10:27:13
2024-Jul-25 12:13:44 :: [i586] #100 tcpreplay.git 4.5.1-alt1: build start
2024-Jul-25 12:13:44 :: [x86_64] #100 tcpreplay.git 4.5.1-alt1: build start
2024-Jul-25 12:13:44 :: [aarch64] #100 tcpreplay.git 4.5.1-alt1: build start
2024-Jul-25 12:13:54 :: [i586] #100 tcpreplay.git 4.5.1-alt1: build OK (cached)
2024-Jul-25 12:13:55 :: [x86_64] #100 tcpreplay.git 4.5.1-alt1: build OK (cached)
2024-Jul-25 12:14:01 :: [aarch64] #100 tcpreplay.git 4.5.1-alt1: build OK (cached)
2024-Jul-25 12:14:12 :: #100: tcpreplay.git 4.5.1-alt1: build check OK
2024-Jul-25 12:14:13 :: build check OK
2024-Jul-25 12:14:16 :: noarch check OK
2024-Jul-25 12:14:18 :: plan: src +1 -1 =19364, aarch64 +2 -2 =32875, i586 +2 -2 =32326, x86_64 +2 -2 =33719
#100 tcpreplay 4.4.4-alt1 -> 4.5.1-alt1
 Sun Jul 14 2024 Anton Farygin <rider at altlinux.ru> 4.5.1-alt1
 - 4.4.4 -> 4.5.1
2024-Jul-25 12:15:04 :: patched apt indices
2024-Jul-25 12:15:15 :: created next repo
2024-Jul-25 12:15:28 :: duplicate provides check OK
2024-Jul-25 12:16:30 :: dependencies check OK
2024-Jul-25 12:17:08 :: [x86_64 i586 aarch64] ELF symbols check OK
2024-Jul-25 12:17:22 :: [i586] #100 tcpreplay: install check OK (cached)
2024-Jul-25 12:17:23 :: [x86_64] #100 tcpreplay: install check OK (cached)
2024-Jul-25 12:17:26 :: [i586] #100 tcpreplay-debuginfo: install check OK (cached)
2024-Jul-25 12:17:27 :: [x86_64] #100 tcpreplay-debuginfo: install check OK (cached)
2024-Jul-25 12:17:36 :: [aarch64] #100 tcpreplay: install check OK (cached)
2024-Jul-25 12:17:47 :: [aarch64] #100 tcpreplay-debuginfo: install check OK (cached)
2024-Jul-25 12:18:12 :: [x86_64-i586] generated apt indices
2024-Jul-25 12:18:12 :: [x86_64-i586] created next repo
2024-Jul-25 12:18:26 :: [x86_64-i586] dependencies check OK
2024-Jul-25 12:18:27 :: gears inheritance check OK
2024-Jul-25 12:18:28 :: srpm inheritance check OK
girar-check-perms: access to @maint ALLOWED for cas: member of approved group
girar-check-perms: access to @tester ALLOWED for amakeenk: member of approved group
check-subtask-perms: #100: tcpreplay: approved by cas, approved by amakeenk
2024-Jul-25 12:18:30 :: acl check OK
2024-Jul-25 12:18:44 :: created contents_index files
2024-Jul-25 12:18:55 :: created hash files: aarch64 i586 src x86_64
2024-Jul-25 12:18:59 :: task #352824 for p11 TESTED
2024-Jul-25 12:18:59 :: task is ready for commit
2024-Jul-25 12:19:04 :: repo clone OK
2024-Jul-25 12:19:05 :: packages update OK
2024-Jul-25 12:19:13 :: [x86_64 i586 aarch64] update OK
2024-Jul-25 12:19:13 :: repo update OK
2024-Jul-25 12:19:27 :: repo save OK
2024-Jul-25 12:19:27 :: src index update OK
2024-Jul-25 12:19:27 :: updated /gears/t/tcpreplay.git branch `p11'
2024-Jul-25 12:19:30 :: gears update OK
2024-Jul-25 12:19:30 :: task #352824 for p11 DONE

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