[#322039] EPERM alterator-auth.git=0.44.3-alt1
Girar awaiter (liannnix)
girar-builder at altlinux.org
Sat May 27 20:30:13 MSK 2023
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 alterator-auth 37 54 24 45 24
2023-May-27 17:23:39 :: task #322039 for sisyphus started by liannnix:
2023-May-27 17:23:39 :: message: fix_missing_os_version
#100 build 0.44.3-alt1 from /people/liannnix/packages/alterator-auth.git fetched at 2023-May-27 17:23:38
2023-May-27 17:23:41 :: [i586] #100 alterator-auth.git 0.44.3-alt1: build start
2023-May-27 17:23:41 :: [aarch64] #100 alterator-auth.git 0.44.3-alt1: build start
2023-May-27 17:23:41 :: [x86_64] #100 alterator-auth.git 0.44.3-alt1: build start
2023-May-27 17:23:41 :: [armh] #100 alterator-auth.git 0.44.3-alt1: build start
2023-May-27 17:23:41 :: [ppc64le] #100 alterator-auth.git 0.44.3-alt1: build start
2023-May-27 17:24:05 :: [i586] #100 alterator-auth.git 0.44.3-alt1: build OK
2023-May-27 17:24:05 :: [x86_64] #100 alterator-auth.git 0.44.3-alt1: build OK
2023-May-27 17:24:18 :: [aarch64] #100 alterator-auth.git 0.44.3-alt1: build OK
2023-May-27 17:24:26 :: [ppc64le] #100 alterator-auth.git 0.44.3-alt1: build OK
2023-May-27 17:24:35 :: [armh] #100 alterator-auth.git 0.44.3-alt1: build OK
2023-May-27 17:25:04 :: #100: alterator-auth.git 0.44.3-alt1: build check OK
2023-May-27 17:25:06 :: build check OK
warning (#100): alterator-roles-common-0.44.3-alt1.x86_64.rpm should be .noarch.rpm
warning (#100): task-auth-ad-sssd-0.44.3-alt1.x86_64.rpm should be .noarch.rpm
warning (#100): task-auth-ad-winbind-0.44.3-alt1.x86_64.rpm should be .noarch.rpm
warning (#100): task-auth-freeipa-0.44.3-alt1.x86_64.rpm should be .noarch.rpm
warning (#100): task-auth-ldap-sssd-0.44.3-alt1.x86_64.rpm should be .noarch.rpm
2023-May-27 17:25:12 :: noarch check OK
2023-May-27 17:25:14 :: plan: src +1 -1 =18431, aarch64 +6 -6 =31512, armh +6 -6 =29427, i586 +6 -6 =31466, ppc64le +6 -6 =30905, x86_64 +6 -6 =32402
#100 alterator-auth 0.44.2-alt1 -> 0.44.3-alt1
Sat May 27 2023 Andrey Limachko <liannnix at altlinux> 0.44.3-alt1
- Fix missing OS version for Sisyphus Regular builds
2023-May-27 17:25:59 :: patched apt indices
2023-May-27 17:26:10 :: created next repo
2023-May-27 17:26:20 :: duplicate provides check OK
2023-May-27 17:26:57 :: dependencies check OK
nm: /tmp/GNoiDFeuk0/ZPXVItDMvW: no symbols
nm: /tmp/GNoiDFeuk0/OA9J4V91I8: no symbols
nm: /tmp/GNoiDFeuk0/86mk9MeNOZ: no symbols
nm: /tmp/UA5b_jQu9m/ZZUtxF_U8i: no symbols
nm: /tmp/UA5b_jQu9m/J76xF8tHop: no symbols
nm: /tmp/UA5b_jQu9m/dBRII6V4Dv: no symbols
nm: /tmp/GfrMYztAKV/djKU2EXPVH: no symbols
nm: /tmp/GfrMYztAKV/RfR60Dh_2Z: no symbols
nm: /tmp/GfrMYztAKV/tG4qn7fmRI: no symbols
nm: /tmp/GpMGlEFC04/KkJnLSQedl: no symbols
nm: /tmp/GpMGlEFC04/cdpI9WbPXw: no symbols
nm: /tmp/GpMGlEFC04/d5lXJxEYhX: no symbols
nm: /tmp/kA0OWsB234/T5sADRKm0Y: no symbols
nm: /tmp/kA0OWsB234/_ipP1damHU: no symbols
nm: /tmp/kA0OWsB234/sYIK06eU_c: no symbols
2023-May-27 17:26:58 :: [x86_64 i586 aarch64 ppc64le armh] ELF symbols check OK
x86_64: alterator-auth=0.44.3-alt1 post-install unowned files:
i586: alterator-auth=0.44.3-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2023-May-27 17:27:12 :: [x86_64] #100 alterator-auth: install check OK
2023-May-27 17:27:12 :: [i586] #100 alterator-auth: install check OK
2023-May-27 17:27:16 :: [x86_64] #100 alterator-roles-common: install check OK
2023-May-27 17:27:16 :: [i586] #100 alterator-roles-common: install check OK
aarch64: alterator-auth=0.44.3-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2023-May-27 17:27:23 :: [aarch64] #100 alterator-auth: install check OK
ppc64le: alterator-auth=0.44.3-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2023-May-27 17:27:26 :: [ppc64le] #100 alterator-auth: install check OK
2023-May-27 17:27:26 :: [x86_64] #100 task-auth-ad-sssd: install check OK
2023-May-27 17:27:27 :: [i586] #100 task-auth-ad-sssd: install check OK
2023-May-27 17:27:30 :: [aarch64] #100 alterator-roles-common: install check OK
2023-May-27 17:27:33 :: [ppc64le] #100 alterator-roles-common: install check OK
armh: alterator-auth=0.44.3-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2023-May-27 17:27:34 :: [x86_64] #100 task-auth-ad-winbind: install check OK
2023-May-27 17:27:35 :: [armh] #100 alterator-auth: install check OK
2023-May-27 17:27:36 :: [i586] #100 task-auth-ad-winbind: install check OK
2023-May-27 17:27:44 :: [x86_64] #100 task-auth-freeipa: install check OK
2023-May-27 17:27:45 :: [armh] #100 alterator-roles-common: install check OK
2023-May-27 17:27:46 :: [aarch64] #100 task-auth-ad-sssd: install check OK
2023-May-27 17:27:47 :: [i586] #100 task-auth-freeipa: install check OK
2023-May-27 17:27:51 :: [x86_64] #100 task-auth-ldap-sssd: install check OK
2023-May-27 17:27:52 :: [ppc64le] #100 task-auth-ad-sssd: install check OK
2023-May-27 17:27:55 :: [i586] #100 task-auth-ldap-sssd: install check OK
2023-May-27 17:28:00 :: [aarch64] #100 task-auth-ad-winbind: install check OK
2023-May-27 17:28:10 :: [armh] #100 task-auth-ad-sssd: install check OK
2023-May-27 17:28:10 :: [ppc64le] #100 task-auth-ad-winbind: install check OK
2023-May-27 17:28:17 :: [aarch64] #100 task-auth-freeipa: install check OK
2023-May-27 17:28:29 :: [aarch64] #100 task-auth-ldap-sssd: install check OK
2023-May-27 17:28:31 :: [ppc64le] #100 task-auth-freeipa: install check OK
2023-May-27 17:28:32 :: [armh] #100 task-auth-ad-winbind: install check OK
2023-May-27 17:28:45 :: [ppc64le] #100 task-auth-ldap-sssd: install check OK
2023-May-27 17:28:59 :: [armh] #100 task-auth-freeipa: install check OK
2023-May-27 17:29:18 :: [armh] #100 task-auth-ldap-sssd: install check OK
2023-May-27 17:29:37 :: [x86_64-i586] generated apt indices
2023-May-27 17:29:37 :: [x86_64-i586] created next repo
2023-May-27 17:29:46 :: [x86_64-i586] dependencies check OK
2023-May-27 17:29:48 :: gears inheritance check OK
2023-May-27 17:29:48 :: srpm inheritance check OK
girar-check-perms: access to alterator-auth DENIED for liannnix: does not belong to approved builders list: boyarsh @qa
check-subtask-perms: #100: alterator-auth: Operation not permitted
2023-May-27 17:29:49 :: acl check FAILED
2023-May-27 17:30:01 :: created contents_index files
2023-May-27 17:30:10 :: created hash files: aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le src x86_64
2023-May-27 17:30:13 :: task #322039 for sisyphus EPERM
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